Open-ended gameplay. No more of this "holding hands" BS. It'd be nice if the player had more control in decision making. The rerelease of Perfect Dark has made me think that FPS games have actually taken a step BACK after Halos initial reactions. The very first level of PD is a good example of this, and it was released TEN years ago. Now, in that amount of time, imagine how that level could have evolved. Lets say player X(or even multiple players) starts at the bottom of the skyscraper. The technology nowadays is perfectly capable to render a full fledged building. Every room and closet could possibly be of use if the situation lends itself. Now instead of the story guiding the players through the game, the players could use THEIR BRAINS as to how to tackle the task--let's say rescuing someone from the 56th floor. They could send 2 people this way, 3 people that way, maybe one person could be a sniper on the outside of the building.
So now lets say the players accomplish the task of rescuing this person. The alarm could either sound or not, depending on how the players had chosen to complete the rescue. Maybe the enemies are completely unaware of the completed task. Maybe an alarm sounds at somepoint, forcing the players to, again, use their brains to figure out how to accomplish the goal.
Things like this would appeal to me more. At this point I see no difference in MW2 and the old point-and-click pc adventure games.
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