@Lulu_Lulu: You have to knock me off my ass first of all and that might be a problem if i block your for example 14frame launcher move, then i have a timewindow to launch you back with lets say a 12frame jab which will hold you up in the air a little bit and take maybe 25% of your lifebar depending on if i could juggle you to a wall or not. If i had launced you with a 14frame move i would have taken 50% of your life, If i had launced you with a 16 frame move which is considered a superlauncher i could take as much as up to 80% of your life and even a death combo which takes all of your life in tekken 6 but to do this you need skills, mad skills bro.Thats just basic of the tekken combosystem, if i was gonna explain how tekken works in depth you would need a book as thick as a bible, im not kidding:) You also have 10 framemoves and even down to 8 framemoves to poke with making openings and so on, in these situations you can, counter, sidestep,sidewalk, sidegrab, even teleport if your one of the ninja characters, there are so many options and variables in the different situations your in and thats why i love tekken so much.
Just to continue to answer you questions >>
Q What moves are availble in all these scenarios ?
A) "How many of those moves are available in each Context, when you're locked in a combo,
B) When you're on the floor
C) When you're in the air
D) When you're forced to have your back turned
E) Combos are the way to go, the longer the better
F) Tekken may have alot of Fighters but they are severely short on Fighting Styles
G) As for Depth, I think thats the be all and end all of a fighting game, I think depth is the whole point. I'm a total slut for depth. :)
A) No moves are availible when your locked in a juggle (aircombo) The whole deal is to not put yourself in that situation, there is math involved in this as you can see above when im talking about frames, you must react quicly and answer to my moves with the different frames of whitch my moves where utilized with.
B) You can actually do a whole lot of stuff when your on the floor, aproximatly 10-13 different options give or take depending on what character your using, everyting from attack to defend.
C) When im in the air with Alisa my main character, i can do so much dude;) Some of the characters in tekken got great movements and some don`t, big characters for instance don`t have these abillitys but they have other advantages like strength instead, it is a very balanced fighting game i would say.
D) When your forced to have your back turn and your opponent is up close just hit D+1, protip;) most of the characters also has a variety of movesets in (BT) position.
E) You can actually play this game the way you like, you do not have to rely on combos but your right, the longer combos the better in most cases. I can not stress this enough but there is so much more to tekken than just the combos;) Mindgame, reaction, math, setups, movesets, strings, all the basic stuff you need to know that is very important and off course your combos and not to mention the length of your combos to utilize max wall damage and so on and so on.....
F) You are kidding!? :)
G) Me to man, depth and gameplay are the most important factors in a fighting game for me at least, would`t hurt with a good story in tekken for ones though:)
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