@quiggling said:
@dracula_16 said:
Ninja Gaiden on the NES. It's beyond me how anyone can beat it.
No one in my hometown when it was new could beat it. Not one of us, and we were elder millennial kids! Tigers! But despite how hard games were then on average… it was beyond us. Even that one rich kid with a Neo-Geo everyone wanted to be friends with couldn’t beat it.
Damn, never really understood this when I'd see this on forums. I was a little kid when I was beating those games lol. Distinctly remember getting NG2 (NES) for my 9th bday and beating it that same day.
There were way way way harder NES games than those.
On topic, hard to say. Mostly older games. If you mean just beating a game, NG2 (360) on Path of the Master NInja was pretty brutal. Intentionally tough as nails, made worse by being rushed out unbalanced.
But beating a game is rarely the challenge. For example, DMC games are a walk in the park compared to NG games if you're just playing till the credits roll. But mastering something like DMC4 Dante is entirely different, basically out of every gamers pay grade. Could dedicate years to that and still be mid.
Most of my toughest experiences with single player games are about chasing scores/ranks/times.
Though the absolute toughest shit would be my time with fighting games. Sure, any MP game can be hard with skilled players. But not all MP games are created equal. The amount of difficult things you have to be decent at before you can even competently compete in fighting games, really on their own level. Forget the skill ceiling, the skill floor itself is a beast. Only competitive genre that ever compared was RTS. Anyways, extremely rewarding, well worth the effort.
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