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Game: not rare per se, but I do still have my launch-day purchase of Final Fantasy VII with the manual. I've heard they're in pretty high demand on ebay, but no way am I sacrificing such a relic!
Hardware: I still have that old NES peripheral that lets you hook up four controllers, and a whole bunch of ads and inserts that originally came with the console. "Now you're playing with power", says the spikey-haired 80's kid with the crazed look on his face. Say hi.Â
I've got legand of dragoon for the playstation and I never saw that on a store shelf execpt from the time I bought it, same with Team Buddies though I don't know if these are even rare.
Also is Devil May Cry rare? or are you just a big fan of the series (talking to the guy who was looking for it)
I own Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou and ESPGaluda for PS2. While I don't have physical copies of them, I bought Stardrone or The Great Tree (PC indie games). I preordered Ketsui for 360 and expect it to be pretty rare. Oh, and I also own Touhou game CDs (PC shoot 'em ups made by 1 guy); I bought all the main Touhou games from The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil to Subterranean Animism.
Probaby either FF I for NES or Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast
Hardware might be that giant plaster light gun for GenesisÂ
P.N.O 3 for the Gamecube.
You just go for Indie Bedroom game developers if you want rare games. If you want to take that a step furthur you go for Indie games for the Amiga! Those are days long past for me, so I havn't got anything paticuallry rare anymore. Asked me this question 10 years ago and i'll talk all night.
Im not sure if its rare, but I stilll have a gamegear with some games. MorphicI still have my Game Gear too. Streets of Rage 2 is the best on it!
I still have my Oddessy 1 (pong). Suikoden II (heard they were in demand) atari 2600/7800. Hell, I even have R.O.B for the NES. Tons of rare crap.Urizen5
sweet that you have R.O.B just curios do you have an MSX SYSTEM.
I have
ZOE with MGS2 demo disc
Dreamcast with about 40 games including MVC2 and Powerstone 2
Sega Gamegear
Adventures of Cookie and Cream
Original copy of Fallout and Fallout 2
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