My friend gave me his gamecube and I got a PS2 for 30£ so seeing as I had an xbox and PC last gen I thought I'd do some catch up.
1. Is the Skies of Arcadia title worth playing? It looks a little dated
2. Is Wind Waker worth playing? Twilight Princess is a definite but I'm not made of time and I can't afford to play every decent game on the platform so can anyone make a strong case as to why I should bother with Wind Waker?
3. And Tales of Symphonia? Again it looks to me a little childish but I'm sure thats my prejudice looking at screenshots.
1. I'm playing FFX at the moment and loving it; should I bother with FFXII?
2. Suikoden III: is that worth looking into?
3. To add finally there is Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King .
Essentially I hadn't planned to look into any of the above titles and stick to just playing Twilight Princess, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3, Okami, God Of War and Shadow of the Colossus.
IF anyone can think of a very good reason why I should play any of the 6 games above I would really appreciate it as I'll be playing them until September (until Too Human comes out).
Thanks in advance.
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