I'm doing a study into immersion in games and I'd like to know:
- How would you defin e immersion?
- What is it that immerses you in a game?
Between these criteria, which one is more likely to immerse you into the game:
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Story
- Cinematic sequences
- Something else maybe
- What games were you the most immersed in and why?
Thanks for the answers in advance guys :)
For me, immersion would be me feeling like I'm really interacting within the environment. For the games I play like say, Crysis, the foliage should provide both concealment and cover. I also turn the game music off because because that's the last thing I'd hear in a hot zone. In the real world, I like to tune in to the sounds of the environment where subtle changes like birds suddenly stopping their chirping can indicate something. That'll be kind of hard to replicate in a game. Just the same, I like to hear game environmental sounds rather than game music.
Gameplay is very subjective. I lean towards simulations the most because they usually attempt the closest representation of the real-world. I also like the first-person perspective in shooters, simulations, and RPG because to me, that's the best way to represent me in the game.
Obviously, I like good graphics with my games. I don't care much for graphics kings. So long as the graphics are more than presentable, then they're fine. I also like accurate dimensions and proportions plus a semblance of accuracy in the markings of the vehicles in the sim.
I'm not too keen on story with the games I play. As an operative in the field, I usually don't have the full picture and probably never will just like in the real world. I go with more emphasis on the story if I'm say, the top-ranking commander in a strategy game or if I'm playing an adventure game.
Cinematic sequences? I like em short and simple. I want the emphasis to remain with actual gameplay.
I find flight/combat sims to be the most immersive simply because I've been around aircraft almost all my life. I know how they behave. I know how they should behave. I know aviation weather, clouds, and hazards. I know how clouds should look with different weather patterns. When a game such as FSX reflects many of them accurately, I keep the game for a very long time because I'm always putting that game to the test just to see how accurate it is compared to the real world. Most gamers wouldn't care and find such things boring. Not me. I love games that can relate to my job.
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