Many games allow your character to drink alcoholic substances.
Which often gives stat bonuses, balanced with various negative effects.
And can also be represented by inebriated state and distorted vision on the game character.
But anyways, what is your opinion on alcohol in games? And the effects of alcohol in various games?
Do you like the option? And do you find the drunkenness badly or well implemented in various games?
So, basically all opinions on virtual alcohol in games are welcome here.
But do note this only covers alcohol, not narcotics or narcotic injections (such as seen in Far Cry games)
Personally I like to see beverages in games, but only if they are implemented in a realistic manner.
If the characters go dizzy only after one drink, then its just silly and totally unrealistic.
Good old Baldur's Gate games did it really well; the effect of drink depended on how hardy the character was. So, big burly fighter would not feel coupla drinks at all. Very realistic system, which I really liked.
Compare this to silliness of GTA/RDR games, where your burly hero gets dizzy after single drink...
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