unfortunately the repeating dungeon in phantom hourglass killed the game for me. outside of it there the game was great...but after 2 cracks at that dungeon i just couldnt bring myself to do it. i think it was the time limit more than anything (time limit are, in the vast majority of cases, just a lazy and cheap way to add challenge and they dont make the game more fun). i dont mind back tracking when the game is fun. but that killed it stone dead. it should be added to the zelda bible: no time limits on dungeons, ever.
and another one to add to the bible (for any game): dont let the player park themselves into a completely unwinnable situation. this is what killed spirit tracks. the game had one hit kill trains and if you made one mistake on selecting a track it was just a track to death. no chance to recover or anything. thats not even sloppy....that is shocking game design. from nintendo of all companies too.
the gun combat in uncharted games ruins it for me. they throw too many enemies at you, they soak up too much damage, the fights drag out and the combat is just not fun. its a very very sloppy gears of war. granted i have only played the first one, the demo of the second and uncharted on the vita (which is actually my fav as the combat ends faster at least). i would prefer the games if they focused more on exploration and less on combat because ND are just not very good at it. a but more POP and a bit less gears.
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