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What your friend thinks about video games is his opinion, which he/she is most certainly entitled to. I've encountered such folk en mass. It seems there are just as many or even more people who take the opposite camp. I believe that one should go about life doing whatever it is that makes one happy. If I'd like to cure cancer whilst simultaneously preventing global warming, there's nothing wrong with that. If I want to sit in my living room/apartment/mom's basement and do nothing but play games for the rest of my life, then who cares? What difference does it make as long as I'm happy? There are plenty of people like your friend writing books about curing cancer that those of us who choose the latter path can blissfully game our lives away. Well, there's my position.
Sounds like he needs a smack across the face from reality. I'm a born writer, I've posted stories in one site and got several pieces I've written in notecards in Second Life while working on other pieces slowly, wrote something early this morning before heading out to pay the bills.
I choose not to bepublished because 1) it tends to cost more than I can afford 2) I don't want to be published despite people having read my work over the years and saying I should get published 3) I write to get the ideas out, not to make money.
I play video games since it can be a nice break and they're a good help with my disability, also at times it can be a nice aid when it comes to sorting out ideas rather than sitting at the computer for hours trying to force the ideas out.
im going to be a cisco cert. a+ network technician this means ill have the knowledge to assemble the system of connections and devices linking you to your internet service provider and possibly even further than this. and i play video games am i a pointless individual i dont think so? you think internet just comes from thin air people are maintaining it left right and center to ensure quality of service to think im a useless person with no purpose who will never be important or successful? he needs to have stereotypes kicked from his head XD.
[QUOTE="milan22"]well my friend is really interested in things like books and wealth and i too like to read books about several thing and i am not that kind of World Of Warcraft freak who stays for hours and hours in front of tv or monitor and make stupid vids on youtube bashing games and un-important stuff, i do several things like workout, read, go out with friends etc.. but i ask myself.. what is wrong with having an un-harmful break playing games? does it represent my personality as materialistic or careless or even stupid... cuz comparing 2 all the big helpful stuff that i do and care about (read, workout, chasing knowledge, etc..) i see that video games r negative representation of my personality... well, whenever i speak with someone about games in front of my friend he throws comments like "i don't get how u people care about stupid low stuff like games" , "do ur parents play games??!!"...etc... in the end plz reply to me, does playing games represent my personality negatively in front of people like teachers, thinkers and other important people? thanks, peace :)SEANMCAD
were the top executives of AIG and Enron successful when they were making bank? Maybe life would be better for everyone if many stopped trying to be so successful all the time. Maybe we wouldnt have large artic glaciers coming our way either
Everything is meaningless execpt for the things you choose to have meaning. Just dont let the dictates of others determine what is or is not meaningful to you and why.
great advice bro! actually i told him not 2 judge me of being pointless or stupid. he didn't judge me directly but he was pointing at me the whole time so... he is my friend in the end ye?Well well well. As a person who also implies plans for my billion dollarwealth and success in business one day, games are a form of stress reliever for me. I play about 1 hour a week when I get caught up with school work or I become heavily stressed out planning for this or preparing for that. I would rather burn off steam playing good ole PS2, pretty much a form of reward for me.
A video game such as the Metal Gear Solid series can inspire, enlighten, and have an equally profound effect on someone such as a novel like Fahrenheit 451. MGS series definitely has affected my outlook on life. Now if he's talking about something like grand theft auto sand andreas then sure I could agree to an extent.
Also, I agree with Wesker. This world is overpopulated and we need to commit genocide of the human race through euthengetics. Good thing the global elite is already on that.
I think video games can be played by anyone. Being successful (whatever that actually means) does not mean you dont play games. Playing games is about enjoying something you like and escaping your world for another. It does not have to be negative. People read books still right?
We got in a discussion 2day at school about gaming, he stated that gaming and video g games r for pointless people and for people who r not wise or really successful in life. he also stated that gaming is a time wasting thing that wise/successful people do not do. he told me that his biggest proof is people like writers and scientists, they don't do such stupid stuff cuz they r wise and smart. in the end i thought of it.... and honostly ye i do not want my 50yr old father do that! thoughts & replies plz!milan22
Does he know the meaning of having fun? lol
these people are so arrogant and I know alot of people like this, they mock everything in life and they don't have a true meaning of living or life so I always make fun of them until they realize they are talking stupid ****.
I mean if he thinks gaming is a stupid waste of time then he doesn't have any hobby, he doesn't play any sports because he finds them to be stupid waste of time for example and if he play any kind of sports or have any kind of hobby then he is contradicting himself.
I hope he doesn't think of sex as a stupid waste of time too.
writers writes articles, books and stories for a living and they love what they do, scientists too and you can add to that game developers, if he thinks game developers are stupid or are wasting their time making comment or I'd get modded.
Gaming is another form of entertainment wither he like it or not( btw it is the number one medium in the world right now), it is another way to have fun in life, you can call it a hobby too and millions and millions of people disagree with his opinion.
So be it. I'm not about to change my ways because someone told me unsuccessful people play video games. If somone does tell me that, I just tell him my grades as well as to s*** it. If he says this again, just say "so be it."
I wouldn't worry about it. Many people our age that don't care for games and I respect them for that. Sure they say things can can tick me off but I get what they mean.
I would ask him for proof. Surely, a wise and successful person such as him would never make such broad claims without irrefutable empirical evidence to prove him correct.Oilers99he says that the evident is people like doctors, teachers etc... imagine them playing video games and ps3! he says like that. i personally think that he exaggerated this whole thing, cuz i see gaming as a hobby to keep me relaxed.
i agree with empty ski that video games can be played by all humans and being successful does not mean you dont play games... i add this that it increses ur reflexes... and its sometimes important to make quick decisions.I think video games can be played by anyone. Being successful (whatever that actually means) does not mean you dont play games. Playing games is about enjoying something you like and escaping your world for another. It does not have to be negative. People read books still right?
We got in a discussion 2day at school about gaming, he stated that gaming and video g games r for pointless people and for people who r not wise or really successful in life. he also stated that gaming is a time wasting thing that wise/successful people do not do. he told me that his biggest proof is people like writers and scientists, they don't do such stupid stuff cuz they r wise and smart. in the end i thought of it.... and honostly ye i do not want my 50yr old father do that! thoughts & replies plz!milan22
I'd have to disagree. It seems like your friend knows very little about just how big and how influential gaming is. If you're a gamer and your friend isn't, it just sounds like your friend is trying to belittle you. From personal experience, I hang out with 30-ish year old people who run their own business, and/or are married already with jobs that allow them to enjoy every luxury in life ( they're in marketing, some in advertising, two people I know are chefs in 5 star hotels ) ; one person who loves gaming is a famous local theatre actor, and another guy I know is actually a well-known politician who is always looking for his friends to play Left For Dead with:?
In fact, since gaming is a such a huge industry nowadays and with such a large following, it might even be safe to say that in order to be successful in some aspects of life, you'd have to know about gaming in the first place.
i think the problem is alot of people never played the right game one day they tryed wii sports or somthing but if they had sat down and played
supre mario galaxy, crysis, mgs4, legend of zelda, type games then mabe there opinions would be diffrent
imo i think your friend is trying to sound high and mighty :|
he just thinks of people under one measurement, he doesn't get that people r different from each other and not all of them want 2 be MalcolmX or da vinci .i think the problem is alot of people never played the right game one day they tryed wii sports or somthing but if they had sat down and played
supre mario galaxy, crysis, mgs4, legend of zelda, type games then mabe there opinions would be diffrent
imo i think your friend is trying to sound high and mighty :|
So he's scoured all the Earth, and determined that of all the "successful" (whatever that means) people on planet, none of them enjoy this particular hobby? He's discoveredthat strong a correlation? Or did he actually established some sort of causal link between gaming and "success"? Ask him to define success before you proceed.
Ask him how "time wasting" gaming is, compared with any other hobby. Really, what do I accomplish playing a round of golf? Tending my lawn? Putting ships in bottles? The whole point of a hobby is that you enjoy it, not that it accomplishes anything. Tell your friend he's an arrogant ass for thinking that one hobby has any more merit than any other.
I would ask him for proof. Surely, a wise and successful person such as him would never make such broad claims without irrefutable empirical evidence to prove him correct.
he says that the evident is people like doctors, teachers etc... imagine them playing video games and ps3! he says like that. i personally think that he exaggerated this whole thing, cuz i see gaming as a hobby to keep me relaxed.
That's not empirical proof. Saying "Can you imagine someone doing this?" is not any sort of proof at all. That's not even anecdotal evidence. That's not sort of any evidence at all, and not even a bad debater would consider making such an argument. All you have to do is find one person who fits his definition of "success" (probably money-related) that likes gaming. That shouldn't be hard.
I would ask him for proof. Surely, a wise and successful person such as him would never make such broad claims without irrefutable empirical evidence to prove him correct.
he says that the evident is people like doctors, teachers etc... imagine them playing video games and ps3! he says like that. i personally think that he exaggerated this whole thing, cuz i see gaming as a hobby to keep me relaxed.
That's not empirical proof. Saying "Can you imagine someone doing this?" is not any sort of proof at all. That's not even anecdotal evidence. That's not sort of any evidence at all, and not even a bad debater would consider making such an argument. All you have to do is find one person who fits his definition of "success" (probably money-related) that likes gaming. That shouldn't be hard.
ye people r different in the end.Milan, if you ask for other people's opinion there is going to be so many of them that you get really confused to what to do. Just relax your mind about it and be yourself, make the things you like without this feeling of guilty that everyone feels sometime. Don't care for the other people say, not even this friend of yours, really (you don't even has to care about what i'm saying right now). And be careful with what some other people tells you only to make you feel bad, don't guilty your friend with that, but is because some people don't realise how they are hurting the others (it's a kind of subconscious thing that people do when they are bad with themselves). Maybe all you should do is get away from this friend only for a time and regain some self high-esteem. Just be happy with responsibility.
P.S:if you found some English errors in this text it's because i'm not totally fluent in English, not yet.
Well, your friend is obviously very wise and successful.
lol, seriously though, gaming has no effect on anything else in your life unless it becomes an obsession. Also, if your friend doesn't play video games, he's in the minority. Trust me.
Oh! and about he said about people like doctors don't play video games, that's bulls***.
I want to be a doctor when I finish the school, and I study for that actually I normally have one of the biggest grades, and I just won't get what I want just because I play video games, even because this doesn't makes sense. Actually I play as the teacher sometimes for helping my friends that didn't get the subject (and some of them don't play video games).
And more, I just can be talking with you because of the video games, yes, I learned 70% or even more of my english playing video games. Actually i'm avanced in my english course here in Brazil because of the video games (really, i study even with some graduated people, but only in the english course, of course)
Video games are not my life, away from it, but I can't just ignore them when i don't have nothing to study, or do, or read (because I love reading).
Just have priorities in your life ok?
I hope I helped you a little, ah and believe God ;)
well first off I do know a pulp and paper engineer, and electrical engineer and a petrochemical engineer that play video games.
Plus in the area of software developers its not uncommon.
plus, I would ask him to explain what is "successful" and why is what he describes a "successful" important in the larger picture.
Most people who want to be "successfull" are haven't really considered the fact that they might actually have low self esteem and are really only interested in approval.
In short, does it really matter how much money you make in life?
second off, ask him what time in the history of mankind has something so revolutionary hit the masses?
third off, could it be possible that people who dont like games simply lack any sense of imagination?
I'm using your last point as a fav quote, love that point!thanks bro.. well said :)Oh! and about he said about people like doctors don't play video games, that's bulls***.
I want to be a doctor when I finish the school, and I study for that actually I normally have one of the biggest grades, and I just won't get what I want just because I play video games, even because this doesn't makes sense. Actually I play as the teacher sometimes for helping my friends that didn't get the subject (and some of them don't play video games).
And more, I just can be talking with you because of the video games, yes, I learned 70% or even more of my english playing video games. Actually i'm avanced in my english course here in Brazil because of the video games (really, i study even with some graduated people, but only in the english course, of course)
Video games are not my life, away from it, but I can't just ignore them when i don't have nothing to study, or do, or read (because I love reading).
Just have priorities in your life ok?
I hope I helped you a little, ah and believe God ;)
No offence here, mate but your friend sounds like a total and utter geek. Bragging on about all this geeky stuff.
Stick with gaming. Though dont live your life around games. Live life, get a life and dont be sad. Though at the
same time, play games as well. Live life, play games, do other things, go out, have fun and live life a bit more!
Ok, I mis read the original post.
But ya, I think people like him should stop talking without knowing the facts.
People do that all the time, and I often embarrase them when I call them out on their ignorance.
No offence here, mate but your friend sounds like a total and utter geek. Bragging on about all this geeky stuff.
Stick with gaming. Though dont live your life around games. Live life, get a life and dont be sad. Though at the
same time, play games as well. Live life, play games, do other things, go out, have fun and live life a bit more!
Hey thanks, especially in the part that you call me geek, that really made my day. Oh! And like, if you're not going to help, don't mess up too.
No offence here, mate but your friend sounds like a total and utter geek. Bragging on about all this geeky stuff.
Stick with gaming. Though dont live your life around games. Live life, get a life and dont be sad. Though at the
same time, play games as well. Live life, play games, do other things, go out, have fun and live life a bit more!
Hey thanks, especially in the part that you call me geek, that really made my day. Oh! And like, if you're not going to help, don't mess up too.
he didn't call u geek bro... :(Please Log In to post.
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