In order to keep the industry alive and make it fair for all gamer,what should game cost...the can be said about movies.
While looking through games in GAME the other day and seeing several PS3 game that were completely disgraceful in product and even more ps2/360 games like that i thought...most games are actually worthless!They actually are not worth purchasing,and the same thought occurred during my walk through the dvd section.
The problem is the standards have fallen very low as systems become more accessible,movie-game licenses more common place and new developers sprout up. With movie companies it has never had a lower standard then what we see at the moment!
The problem is that the makers of these poor quality products and repetitive sequels charge the same price as the makers of quality products. As a collection of customers we should refuse to pay that,but we dont! What gives game makers the right to charge the same amount for Halo 3 as Hour Of Victory???Yes we have a choice to pay it or not but should they even be on shelves.
So i continue, it is my belief that it is not only the improvement of file sharing and hackers reverse engineering that has caused massive piracy but also the blatant sub standard quality. I actually belive that Microsoft/sony/ninty should set up there own independant review centres that review game and price them accordingly. I have no issues pay £50 for a that i will play for a year or so.on-line,solo,good product. So i believe those prices are fair, but if any media company ever wants to beat piracy the prices MUST come down a=on the whole. Do they not realise that selling a new game at £19.99 would sell twice as much on that fact alone?That price would make it easier to purchase then download!!!!
So i think most next gen games should be price around £20-£30 ( forget dollar conversions as we get ripped off and the world knows and does not care) but Quality major releases should be able to charge £40-£50 its simple logic i know but you can make a million excuses to charge more for anything, the truth is, that is a reasonable price point!!!
As for movies, we all know HD is only here to prevent piracy as it makes the downloads too big but maybe that is a good thing. I like a really good HD movie on sky but will i ever pay £20-£30 for a movie? NO CHANCE!as customers we now have alternatives and the media companies hate this. Just look at sky tv, they have the monopoly and look how customers are treated...10 HD channel only!5 are rubbish!there is no drive to better themselves as they have no competition. In the dvd industry it is different, constant change now all because the people have the power now. Now they work for us and they dont like it. They are doing everything they can to recapture customers away from downloading (and so they is illegal afterall in alot of places isnt it?) and bring them back to the stores...everything EXCEPT the most important thing...lowering the price!That is why people download in the first place THEY CANNOT AFFORD IT.
My price point on blu rays and dvds etc...£5 for a dvd (same as cinema) and £10 for a HD dvd (or whatever wins)...there is 0 cost incurred in the difference of dvd and hd dvd...why should they cost more when we are seeing the product as it was intended???
In summary, i think if quality is too survive and the games and movie industry to move forward (combating piracy at the same time) the industries need to GIVE IN,admit defeat-times have changed, and lower the prices as we certainly dont HAVE TO purchase your products. And i am in NO WAY saying that downloading NEWcontent is ok as it is not...we all end up paying for it in the end guys...its just that quality and standards are the currency!
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