@BranKetra: That's a very complicated question with a number of complicated answers. Obviously it depends heavily on the game and characters being used. My main fighting games these days are SF4 and Tekken Tag 2. In SF4, my main characters are Ken and Juri. With Ken, I'm very poke heavy and I stay out of the air as much as possible. I play pretty aggresively, and tick the other guy's health down slowly using combo fireballs. I'll also FADC a slow fireballl from a distance from time to time so I can follow it in and turn the impact into a combo. I keep high and low attacks and I throw in Ken's axe kick to mix in some mid, or I fake the axe and throw instead. I'm also very big on Kara throws with Ken as he has pretty good distance and it's easy to pull off. This is an old vid and my play has evolved since them but some of the core strategy is still the same:
With Juri, I'm crazy aggressive. I'll hammer and use her speed and airial moves to try to keep the other guy on his toes. She is crazy fast and her diving kicks in the air are nuts. If I lose distance, I use her counters off of ranged attacks to close and I start all over again. As soon as my Ultra is charged then I try to set up her EX dive kick to bounce the opponent off the stage wall and combo into the ultra.
For Tekken I've been using Jun kamaza or her style clones since Tekken 2 and Ling since Tekken 3, and both in Tekken Tag. With Ling it's all about movement and aggression. She's another crazy fast character and her maneuverability is crazy. I move in close and use her low stance to dodge attacks, when counter to juggle. This was -crazy- effective in Tekken 3 because that stance dodges mid attacks too, but they nerfed it a bit for later Tekkens so she could be hit by some mid attacks. Also, her back turn was a crazy effective dodge that invariably left you behind an attacking opponent for a side or back throw. If they end up behind you, Ling's backwards attacks are brutally fast and effective. She has a backwards roll to a juggle kick that -again- dodges all but low attacks but again was nerfed later a bit because this was crazy imbalanced.
For Jun or her move-alikes, I close and start combos. She has a series of attacks that chain into one another so she can keep attacking in a smooth continuous flow. Technically, you can actually do a "never ending combo" with her attack string but there are windows for the opponent to interrupt so even though she never stops moving it's not a real combo. I stay in close and look for the uppercut juggle, and as soon as my opponent looks like they are going to try to seize an opening them I start with the counter moves.
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