So now that almost 2014 is up and almost all the games are out for us this year. It's time to look forward to next year. What can we expect to get next year?
- Battlefront
- Mass Effect (hopefully, but not likely)
- Witcher 3
- Batman
- Tomb Raider
- The Division
- Uncharted 4
- AC Victory
- Forza 6
- Halo 5
- No Man's Sky
- Bloodborne
- Everyone's gone to the Rapture
- Ryme
- Abzu
- Hellraid
- Mortal Kombat X
- Mad Max
- Rainbox Six
- Evolve
- The Legend of Zelda
- Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain
- Need for Speed
We also have other games announced or unnanounced for 2015. But to me it is looking to be a a decent year for gaming. I've felt that every other year there seems to be a down in gaming since 2010. Where big games get pushed or games are just flat out dissapointing. 2012 was a really dissapointing year. There have been good games released this year, but i can say for sure that some have been dissapointed with some games this year being total letdowns.
I think next year is going to be awesome seeing how so many of the games we have looked forward to have been delayed to 2015. I am so psyched for Battlefront 3, but i am also a little worried about it seing how the third person view is gone from the game. I just want the game to be as good as Pandemic made it 10 years ago now. There's a reason it sold well and a reason i love that series. I really hope they don't screw this one up.
Another game i am really looking forward to is Batman Arkham Knight. I've been looking forward to this since it was announced. I have faith in Rocksteady doing an amazing job on the game. I loved Arkham Asylum, because someone finally got a comic book character right in a game.
I also liked Romb Raider, i am excited to what Crystal Dynamics can do, sucks that i have to wait to 2016 to get this game though. But i am excited to see how the game is.
The last game i want to highlight is The Division. I am kind of the fence on this because i haven't seen enough. But from what i have seen, it does really impress me. I am intrigued how the modes work and the world interacts with you. I am also interested if this game has some sort of story mode aswell.
Are there any games that you are looking forward to in particular?
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