For me, it was Street Fighter II: Turbo (on the SNES). What about you guys?
I don't know, I've been around games my whole life and it's hard to know. I remember friends showing me games at their house and letting me try them, but not sure which ones. It's also possible I could have played something on my dad's work desktop, or at a store display, or an arcade machine.
I remember the Food Lion we used to go to had like one arcade machine for some reason, and when my parents were looking for groceries I was looking at the attract mode. It was some fighting game on it and I remember asking my parents for quarters to play it, getting ethered because I didn't know what I was doing, and then I got told "see it was a waste of money"
I don't know for sure but most likely Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
Either that or Zelda, Festers Quest, Excitebike, or Total Recall on Nes.
Def an NES game, though.
Either SimCity 2000 or Xenon. I remember messing around with one for 15 minutes before moving on to the other. I just don't remember the order.
I think it was probably an old dos games called digger or something similar.
It didn't cause an impression.
The earliest memory of a video game that I played that absolutely shocked me an excited me was StarCraft one.
I had played many videos games by then, but the combination of base building, great music and amazing cutscenes (for the time) completely shocked me when I saw it at my friends house, and I run out to buy it.
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