Well, recently I have to say Aloy in Forbidden West.
She is stubborn, and comes off as disingenuously earnest. Many great heroes take on a great burden, most don't complain about it; but Aloy makes you feel like her burden is this terrible terrible thing and "oh god I'd love to stay and be friends, but, y'know....hero gotta hero, so I'm going to disappear in the night like a jerk" and then make drama about it.
I just wish she'd either go full anti-hero and just deal with things like a pragmatic jerk, or be an actual hero and do her job without coming off as insincere. She clearly has a chip on her shoulder in regards to the society she grew up in and was given this huge gift of completely turning things around but she still insists on keeping that chip on her shoulder.
And I get it. That'd be a tough thing to forgive society for in real life. But this is a video game, and Aloy is not particularly complex nor is the game's story. So either shut up and be the good hero, or break bad and be the badass.
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