What's the worst or most baffling game review you have read?
Was reading up on Splinter Cell: Conviction yesterday, and came across IGN's Hilary Goldstein review from 2012. which is completely nonsensical and just, makes you wonder if he even played the other games.
Starting off, he claims he finished it in a single sitting, then going on to make the claim enemies were meant to be avoided in past games.
Aside from games like Splinter Cell 1/3 being longer y at least a few hours, the games were designed around replay, be it the player opting for lethal/pacific play-through or using different routes with different load-outs. In some cases such as Double Agent, alternate story-event and endings are possible. This is objectively false. In actuality, they were easier playing lethal.
He excuses this with "multiplayer", but these games, aside from having longer, replayable content, had all this. And better.
Hilary further goes on to state the AI is smart and won't be fooled for long.
This is false, you just sit at a corner, press X for an overly generous take-down, refill the mark and execute, rinse and repeat. Regardless of difficulty setting.
You can do this practically anywhere in the game because the AI largely doesn't take into account players sound now attempt to circumvent this cheesing in anyway. And that's what it is, cheesing, not a reward for sneaking. With a reward being literally a "win" button.
Because Sam is so sped up and damage isn't comparable to instantaneous death like the last games, you really don't need to be careful. You just sprint 10 feet away and they reset into patrol mod.
The argument of "more enemies than you could every mark" is nonsensical. You can just funnel them all into a spot repeatedly and refill it. Having 2/3 marks becomes null when it's so easily replenished as to become infinite.
One of the more baffling comments is how the weapon load-outs change strategy, citing "it changes your mark count", which is irrelevant.
Splinter Cell is a series about gadgets, toys for the player to engage with. Smoke bombs, listening devices, sticky cameras, tranquilliser darts, hacking tools etc...
All of this is completely absent, it's a gun load-out where some weapons do more damage than others, with the game streamlined to the point, all you are doing is shooting people with absolutely no emphasis on anything else.
The only stealth part of the game "if you are spotted, you fail the mission" is the thing he complains about.
The review summery states it's a Splinter Cell game in name only you may not recognise, then immediately praises it as a great entry - cancelling out all previous entries as antiquated.
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