I've smashed a couple controlers. On my first ps2 controller, the side with the d-pad is split apart so you can see the insides, the left analog stick is stuck in the up position, and the L2 button is missing.
I've smashed plenty of PS2 controllers, most of them accidentally. Really, they re so flimsy. I also completely smashed my God of War case but that was because I fellt out of bed and got in a furious rage.
When i was playing Sanandreas a couple of years ago and i got so mad, i started throwing a magazine that was next to me, i threw my PS2 remote. Then i unplugged my PS2 and threw it in the closet for around 2 days. What can i say i was in 8th grade.
Well, I've broken countless controllers, shattered my GameShark Disc when I threw it at the wall, I broke my Xbox DVD remote, my TV remote, broken the cases of a couple rented games...and I think I threw my DreamCast...well, one of my consoles...I think it was DreamCast...it doesn't work anymore...
I regurarly have to punch the floor while playing guitar hero=) Oh and when I was playing Kill.Switch on Xbox I punched the controller which cut my knuckles leaving me with a scar. The cheapness of Urban Reign made me go on cussing marathons.
Probably slammed a controller down. I don't get totalyl angry with games. They are just games. Worst I've ever done in my life was punch through a glass cabinet, but it was unrelated to video games.
completely broke two ps2 controlers in craxy fit and attack my tv remote and dismantled it, though i put it togeter about a week later after finding all the little parts to it.
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