There are a couple of reasons why KOTOR is awesome (some of which have been mentioned by other users thus far). It's a ton of fun (especially dark side...), a great narrative and gameplay experience, is one of the best uses of the star wars license, giving you the best 'jedi' experience/feeling, has a great amount of force powers, and many different quest types (like playing detective early on, that part was cool). I remember being in the middle of playing it one day when a mate of mine came round (I was playing dark side on this run through), and decided to save some guy, then threaten and kill him. Which gave my mate a good laugh...
I'm also one of those that thought that the second one was almost as good as the original. I liked the story, and it gave me exactly what I wanted, more KOTOR goodness. I've played through both quite a number of time. It's one of my favourite series' ever, and pretty much got me into RPG's...
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