[QUOTE="smerlus"][ I never understood this complaint of yours saying that leveling up hurts your main stats. I played as an Assassin character and when I leveled my main skills and depending on what I leveled up, I got bigger boosts to either dex, str or cha...things my character needed to survive more.
My complaint is that if you were building a character to be strong as a certain type of character, by lumping all the major skills as ones that you would use frequently as that character (which would make sense, normally), this will cause you to level up more rapidly, because since those skills level up faster, and you use them more frequently, you will end up levelling more quickly.This hurts your main stats because stat boosts are based on the number of levels you've gained on either major or minor skills under a governing stat, with the maximum possible boost per stat available if you gain 10 levels in skills related to that stat (+5). Since can affect both this stat boost and when you level (when any combination of your major skills gains 10 levels), if all of your major skills are ones that you use extremely frequently, this makes it so that you will level, it's almost impossible for you to have a stat boost of +5 in one area, let alone multiple places.
More commonly (as was the case when I played the game this way), you'd end up with stat boosts in the +2 or +3 area for a few areas, which means that your stat progression will ultimately start slacking behind what you need to be able to defeat enemies on regular difficulty.
Furthermore, as I mentioned above, if your main skills start off at a high level, that restricts how many levels you are able to gain, which means that your stats can't be boosted as much during the course of the game, ultimately punishing you to some degree for making a character who's inherently good at skills you want him to be good at (making them start at higher levels and making them major skills).
It just seems like a completely backwards approach to things.
I get what you're saying from a technical stand point. The way that the clas-ses are set up combined with the leveling system, they don't let you maximize your stats but I don't think that's the way the game was meant to be played seeing as all the clas-ses in Morrowind worked fine and you never have to abuse the system to be successful in the game.
It's just meant to be a system that offers total freedom. Someone could look at the game your way and have a max stat character, or someone could look at the clas-ses, races and birthsign and try to make the best character that way, or do what i did and offset a clas-ses weakness with a race that offers bonuses in other areas and a sign that further erases those weaknesses.
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