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I have to say, when playing Mario, and you eventually got thrue the castle and to Bowser, I cant remember how may times I died trying to get past him. So getting past him always felt like a mayor accomplishment :-)
I also liked the bosses in Painkiller, huge, brutal and accompanied by hordes of undead.
But my greatest battle must be still in any random Battlefield 2142 match where u finally clear the corridor of nade-spamming n00bs, take over the enemy titan, kill some more enemies in the proces, blow up the titan and jump down. Always puts a big smile on my face!
Final Fantasy always offers lots of great experiences :-)
And yeah, Shadow on PS2 was also great, really a good feeling when u take a Collosus (or how do you write that :P) down!
Yeah RPG's have some of the best bosses, think because of the story line you really feel good when u beat them!
Speaking about great battles: Just played Empire Total War and had the fight for Bunker Hill, that's really cool!
breaking into Nova Prospekt in Half-Life 2. love that bit.
most of the battles in Metal Gear Solid, particularly Psycho Mantis.
Egging huge pissed off baby Bowser in Yoshi's island
Finally beating Virgil in DMC3
Killing the Skedar King in Perfect Dark
Most every fight in Shadow of the Collosus
anyways, the skedar boos was really hard on perfect dark, and devil may cry is sure tough!
I would have to say Kingdom hearts, fighting sepheroth was the most difficult battle i have ever beatenShinigami1337u beat him huh i gave up
Browser in Yoshi's Island wuz kinda funny he kept on goin 'Me wanna ride green donkey thingy'Egging huge pissed off baby Bowser in Yoshi's island
Finally beating Virgil in DMC3
Killing the Skedar King in Perfect Dark
Most every fight in Shadow of the Collosus
and Shadow of the Collous battles are Awesome, though defeating Virgil wuzn't that gr8 defeating Beowulf wuz better :D
I'd say mine wuz - God of War 2 - almost killing Zeus
RE4 - killing Krauser and the button prompt fights
KH2 - The Last loooooonnng battle
This one's easy (or not so much). Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. One hit and you're down. Beating him was a badge of honor back in elementary school. If only they had trophies back then.romans828_2002Oh man can't believe I forgot about that one. It was a badge of honor in my school too, when you beat him news would spread throughout the school and people would come up to you and give you congrats. Can't think of another boss where that happened Forgot about DMC3 too, Agni & Rudra caused me to start to think my hands weren't fast enough to play games anymore :D
Not in any special order: Sora and Sephiroth in KH (tough as nails)
MGS3: The Boss battle (+end)
MGS4: The final battle ('nuff said)
Star Ocean 2: Any of the Ten Wise Men
Not really 1 greatest battle ever ... but many Total War battles come to mind. If you're for greatness, that's your game :oSirMinde
It depends on the player, i recently had the fight between soma and death on castlevania: dawn of sorrow, i died many times there but i won with strategy :) its one of my best one so far... i also had a great fight on Fire Emblem :D
I forgot about krauser, thta one's epic too!I'd say mine wuz - God of War 2 - almost killing Zeus
RE4 - killing Krauser and the button prompt fights
KH2 - The Last loooooonnng battle
thanx i can't believe i forgot VergilI'd have to say beating Vergil from DMC3 is one of my favorites, I also really enjoyed the last boss from Jetforce Gemini
Its nice to read your thoughts about your greatest fights :D keep 'em coming!anyways, the skedar boos was really hard on perfect dark, and devil may cry is sure tough!
my fav game on the N64 and still havent finished because of him(perfect dark)- what do you do? i heard something about a weak point...
In its day Link vs Ganon Ocarina of Time. Actually yeh Twilight Princess had an epic battle with Ganondorf but it wasn't as epic as seeing Link fight Ganon back in the day especially with the music.
Sin and Braska's final Aeon in FF10.
Grandia 1 Mullen and Gaia battle, Grandia 2 Melfice and Final battle.
The music also helps to make the battles more epic, I can still remember most of them in my head.
Got a lot more battlesbut I will end it there.
In its day Link vs Ganon Ocarina of Time. Actually yeh Twilight Princess had an epic battle with Ganondorf but it wasn't as epic as seeing Link fight Ganon back in the day especially with the music.
Sin and Braska's final Aeon in FF10.
Grandia 1 Mullen and Gaia battle, Grandia 2 Melfice and Final battle.
The music also helps to make the battles more epic, I can still remember most of them in my head.
Got a lot more battlesbut I will end it there.
I don't know. I liked the part right befor Ganon in Ocarina, but I thought that the overall fight in TP was just better/ more intense. The straight up sword fight between Link and Ganon using, that's right just swords was intense. Unfortunately, you never lose to many hearts in the boss battles, but that still had me sweating.Please Log In to post.
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