So I've been slowly replaying though the PS1 and PS2 era FF games. The originals, not remasters.
And it has made me realize the games weren't all that great, even for their own time. Definitely not the best JRPGs their eras had to offer.
Apart from graphics. I mean nobody can argue FF games weren't the best looking JRPGs of their time. Especially when it came to cut scenes.
But to specifics.
FFVII-IX: these games have the same issue in common. Very cool opening parts, but then the games become rather generic grind fests and lose their narrative approach and cool. I mean after you grind ten hours to beat some nasty boss, you kinda forget what the plot was about...
FF X: painfully linear tunnel run. Even dungeons had become tunnels.
FF X-2: tries to be less linear, but turns out to have less content than the average GoT episode.
FFXII: Great effort to emulate Dragon Quest, but unfortunately only the opening town feels alive, while rest of the game world is dead and dull. Note also the total lack of side quest (apart from the hunts) Nowhere near as good as DQ games were.
And as for FFXIII saga on last gen, Well, they really are the worst JRPG games I played on that gen. Even Blue Dragon was better! And the brilliant Lost Odyssey felt like a masterpiece compared to them.
So, to cap: While I kinda liked many FF games in their own time, in retrospect I have to admit they weren't that great. Especially as I now have more experience of JRPGs from all those eras and can better compare various franchises to FF.
But thats just me.
How about you? How would you rate the original FF games in retrospect. Have they still got the magic for you, or is the magic gone?
Oh, and no trolling. Even if you are fervent fan of FF. Keep it civil, ok.
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