Well I was a little shocked when I saw 3 discs for BF4. So my question is when will all PC games start being developed on Blu-ray only or do they have another alternative?
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Well I was a little shocked when I saw 3 discs for BF4. So my question is when will all PC games start being developed on Blu-ray only or do they have another alternative?
gaming on a pc is different. pc games don't stream from the disc player like console games do, they are installed onto the hard drive. so whether it's blu ray or regular dvd it doesn't really matter because 99% of pc gamers use digital download.
discs of any type are nearly irrelevant at this point. not just for gaming, but pretty much everything.
Not anytime soon if at all considering digital distribution of games is already very well entrenched and will only grow and become an even more prevalent way people will get games on pc. I personally haven't bought a box copy in over 2 years while I've bought several dozen of games digitally from steam and other DD vendors in the same period.
Sucks for people with slow internet and/or data caps but its the way things are and will continue to be and only get stronger as time goes on. Internet infrastructure and consequently internet speeds should also go up but it depends where you live.
Also its not just PC games its happened or is happening for pretty much all forms of media that make sense to be digitized. For example itunes for music and kindle for books to name a few.
Plenty of games in the 90s u
sed 4-6 CDs. If we ever get to that stage with DVDs, then maybe publishers will start looking into Blu-rays.
Then again, most games are digitally distributed nowadays or run straight from the HD after installation, so I don't really see the need for it
Probably never. There's just no real need for it considering that:
1. You need the actual disc only once for installation
2. Blu-Ray is more expensive
3. Digital distribution
I personally haven't used Discs in over 2 years, with 8/16/32Gb pendrives so common and cheap why would I need it, my rig doesn't even have an optical drive, I have a external BR reader I use from time to time to rip my collection to my NAS Server and that is it.
With our internet infrastructure evolving (even tho slowly in some countries) the future is digital distribution, and PC is the precursor to all of it.
Even though I'm a more recent PC gamer I wasn't aware that all of the games had to be installed completely. Well I guess I'm an idiot. LOL Downloading digitally at this moment is extremely slow so I still tend to purchase physical but that will change when the download speeds change.
Well I was a little shocked when I saw 3 discs for BF4. So my question is when will all PC games start being developed on Blu-ray only or do they have another alternative?
I am more shocked that you cared enough about it to actually go on a forum to complain :)
Because i think most have moved on to digital download or just dont give a damn like normal people.
Well I was a little shocked when I saw 3 discs for BF4. So my question is when will all PC games start being developed on Blu-ray only or do they have another alternative?
I am more shocked that you cared enough about it to actually go on a forum to complain :)
Because i think most have moved on to digital download or just dont give a damn like normal people.
I only buy the disc if it's using Origin. Steam is always digital.
When games move backwards towards physical distribution and streaming data from portable media rather than direct hardware.
So, never.
Blu-ray does not benefit gaming. A SATA HDD streams tens of times faster than the fastest DVD drive. A SSD streams hundreds of times faster. The only benefit physical media has now is making media consumption possible for those with slow internet connections.
Even though I'm a more recent PC gamer I wasn't aware that all of the games had to be installed completely. Well I guess I'm an idiot. LOL Downloading digitally at this moment is extremely slow so I still tend to purchase physical but that will change when the download speeds change.
Make sure that when you buy a game that it is not related to Steam in any way. I bought the Orange Box and Serious Sam HD on physical disc, the discs don't carry the game. They only install Steam if you don't have it or it will just say "Steam is already installed, downloading game now". You still have to wait for that long download if its a steam game.
It will never happen. Bluray on consoles are a major way to consume content (bluray movies) and necessary for the living room in a "next gen" console. PCs generally have other, better/convenient ways to consume movies/tv (netflix/hulu).
Because of this, few bluray players are sold for pcs. I haven't used my blu ray drive for ANY reason in well over 2 years! On the 3 desktops I own, I haven't really used dics regularly for nearer to a decade.
So, to sum up the answer to the question of when blu ray will become pc regular...never.
When Blu-Ray starts becoming mandatory for everything else and DVDs just vanish...
It'll take a loooong time.
Optical media in PCs of any kind is no longer the "requirement" that it once was. Many laptops come with no optical drive at all under the assumption that software will be acquired through digital distribution. Even when an optical drive in every PC was common, DVDs never really completely replaced CDs as the standard until many, many years after DVD drives came out for computer and operating systems grew to larger than a single CD.
So probably never.
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