I have been a hardcore gamer for almost two decades. I studied hard, went to college, bust my butt at work all week to do one thing, buy games. Video games are what I live for, but frankly I'm getting fed up....
Where is the innovation in the industry? This day in age video games pretty much are all the same freakin' thing. First person shooters.... ugh... don't get me wrong I loved them, I was aaddicted as much as anyone, but I started to get tired of it about 5 years ago... After 12 hour unreal tournament lan parties they got old.
Why is no one calling the industry on this? why are we all just eating up the same old crap over and over and over again. Think about the past few years and think about the big games. Doom 3, FEAR, Resistance, Gears of War, GRAW, Halo, I can go on and on and on.
The other day I was going over this rant with one of my students (I teach high school) and he actually said to me "you should try lost planet, thats a good game and it's not a FPS" I almost choked. IT"S THE SAME THING PEOPLE.
Think about those great games, those games that innovate. It was FPS about a decade ago, Wolfenstein, Doom, and Doom 2 ate up my childhood. What happens after that... we get carbon copy after carbon copy the only thing different is the price tag goes up.
The same thing happened with RTS after warcraft, we got the same stuff over and over and over again... red alert, command and conquer, starcraft, warcraft 2, warcraft 3, lord of the rings... on and on and on... and to some extent it's still there with RTS. These games claim to "reinvent" with each new game. BULL, looks the same to me.
Another thing that is happening that people havn't quite noticed yet, but those who own a wii or ds have noticed the trend, how many minigames can you spit at us?? Warioware ROCKED, incredible game, why geeze, have you looked at anything available for those systems lately, almost everything is minigame oriented.
Now I want you to think about those games that innovate (think sid meiers), pirates... one of my favorites, it fits no cookie cutter mold, civilization... once again, no mold.
Gamers really need to think to themselves are these gaming trends good. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that some of the games i mentioned weren't fantastic, they were... but we lost innovation...
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