Is the game industry heading into a new direction? By 2012 and beyond, what will new handheld standards be like, what will console games include, will we have as diverse genres and games, or will we see more companies playing it safe and releasing what is effectively crap to please the masses?
The problem isn't that the mainstream don't like other genres and forms of games, it's that they aren't aware of them. There isn't a soul alive who wouldn't absolutely love Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. They just need to play them, hell simply be aware of them. The problem is no one tells them these things. Not to insult but there are certain unmentionable people that would rather argue and bicker incessantly on the Internet than actually spread the word on great video games. Word-of-mouth shouldn't be limited to movies and other works. If the movie industry can have sleeper hits, then so should video games. And I don't mean selling a couple hundred thousand, I'm talking millions. Because great games are enjoyed by all. Regardless of whether one preferts real time strategy to platformers to shooters to anything else. I don't think that's an impossible feat given how "huge" this industry has apparently become.
But at least that's the way I see it. Ah well.
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