i grew up playin table top...so im used to complexity and slow gameplay...but amazing story and reallyin makin choices and having different story arcs...i really wish crpgs would be about something other than [a giant (insert ominous creature) is coming to destroy (insert whatever scope of existence). (insert your name) must destroy it, but you must become more powerful first. in order to become more powerful you must (insert action) some old forgotten legend (insert thingy). now that youve accomplished said task, and its taken any amount of time because said ominous creature will wait on you to be ready, you prepare for a giant battle against something that is 100x your size. you win, everyone loves you. you lose, someone in your party sacrifices themselves for the cause, you get up again, empowered by this, and win, again, everyone loves you.]
THIS IS BORING...ITS BEEN DONE A THOUSAND, THOUSAND TIMES!! at least in table top, the story is about something other than saving the world...heck...i played one where i was an assassin and i killed elminster during the time of troubles. it was awesome...only consequence of failing was my character went to another plane of existence...not everything in fantasy is about savin the world...heck...ive read entire books in fantasy about finding someplace...no destruction if u failed...it was just a grand adventure...the world wasnt sittin in the balance...thats what rpgs are supposed to be...yea on occasion u do something epic...but u can play a game without the dire circumstances the whole time...i love games like that...
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