ps1 n64 saturn and GBC
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mine was simply the N64, nothing else. But i would have loved to have a ps1, guess ill just have to buy the games to use on my PS3.
while they were supported i haurod a ps1 and n64 gbc as well but last yr i got a saturn
ps1 and n64 i like pretty much the same they had some amazing exclusives and third party such as rugrats -dont f laugh ok ,
doom duke nukem 007 etc
You forgot to add the NEC PC-FX, although it's understandable since it wasn't released overseas.
I owned the SEGA Saturn, Playstation and much later on (after the Dreamcast came out) the N64. Last year I also finally acquired a PC-FX.
My main gaming console of the generation and therefore my favourite was the Saturn.
I had a Nintendo 64 in that particular era, but I recently got a Playstation a few years ago. I plan on getting a Saturn some day, here they are about $35.
Out of those systems (handhelds aren't consoles) - I owned the PS1 and N64. I also had an NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and a gaming PC during that time.
But out of those 2, I played the PS a LOT more than the N64. It had more of the types of exclusive games that I was interested in. I literally played Twisted Metal 2 every day for months - I wanted to see the endings for each character, and see some of them again.
PS also had Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania: SotN, Road Rash, Need for Speed, Moto Racer, Gran Turismo/Gran Turismo 2, Final Fantasy VII/Final Fantasy VIII, Ten Pin Alley, Twisted Metal/TM 3/TM 4, Tekken 2/Tekken 3, Soul Blade, Jet Moto/Jet Moto 2, Parappa the Rapper, Um Jammer Lammy, Ace Combat 2, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 (different than RR 64), Wipeout XL/WipEout (different than Wipeout 64). While both systems had both Vigilante 8 games, I played the first one more on PS (I owned V8 2nd Offense on Dreamcast).
I had the PS1, Saturn & N64. I don't think I have an "absolute" favorite of that era since the three are great systems, but the one I spent most of the time playing was the Sega Saturn purely for its great fighting game library. (Not to mention many other games that are worth owning too on the system).
N64. I didn't need a Playstation, since one of my little brothers had received one as X-mas gift in 1998.
I owned an N64 mainly, but when my brother's friend left for college, he gave us his PSOne and the games he had left. Of those 2, I spent more time then in the 64, but more time now in the PSOne. When I was younger, the PS games were too hard/complex for me to understand, and the 64 games were simple to follow and fun. Granted, I had all RPG's on the PS, and mostly fighters/shooters on the 64. Looking back, the 64 won then, but the PSOne wins now.
I had a 64 for about a year before I got a PS; I couldn't pick a winner between the two. I spent COUNTLESS hours on both...
I only owned the N64, so can't really compare any of the others.
Loved it though. Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Wave Race 64, Goldeneye 007, Killer Instinct Gold...and a whole bunch of other games. Awesome games! :D
Had so much fun with them all; especially SF64 and SM64.
At the time I played the psone more than the n64. Now the n64 gets a lot more playing time, looking back I never gave n64 a good chance. Now to me the n64 is the better console in my eyes.
A PSone and a nintendo 64,
i miss the N64 but the Psone is still lying arround but with most games on an unusable state, i didn't treat my discs as well as they deserved back then also i miss cartridges
ps1 n64 saturn and GBC
First: whats GBC?
but anywaysssss.... I own a PS1 and a 32x. Yeah the 32x is really an add-on for a genesis, but it does have a 32bit processor (that does hardly anything). The 32x is mostly garbage, but it's fun once in a while to play Virtua Racing, Doom, NBA JAM TE, or Virtua Fighter. Never bought an N64 or a 3DO, but I might someday.
ps1 n64 saturn and GBC
First: whats GBC?
but anywaysssss.... I own a PS1 and a 32x. Yeah the 32x is really an add-on for a genesis, but it does have a 32bit processor (that does hardly anything). The 32x is mostly garbage, but it's fun once in a while to play Virtua Racing, Doom, NBA JAM TE, or Virtua Fighter. Never bought an N64 or a 3DO, but I might someday.
teh gameboy color. anything with gb in it is gameboyN64! Best system ever. Star fox, mario, zelda. It had it all!
I agree so much. I mean i got one when i was 4 and it was my first system. Look best star fox game best zelda game arguabley the best mario game. So there you have it arguabley the best games for those series on one console get n or getout
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