I liked ff6 esper system the best. You equip an esper.You can summon the esper. you learn magic off of that esper as you level. simple, customizable. good
ff8's junction system just seems unnecessarily complicated. I'm no idiot, but the game forces you to read text after text of instruction just explaining howthis cockamamey system works. I was so bored and agitated that i quit the game after the first dungeon.
FF7's materia system was pretty good. But i didn't like that you are leveling up the materia, not the characters. people may say this makes the game more customizable because you can switch leveled-up materias among party members. But the idea that you can give some schmo a godly materia and say, "here ya go, you are a god now!" just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
FF tactics job system was really good too. probably the best.
FF4 was too straightforward. when you level up, you get new magic and ability. the end lol
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