Poll Which game do you prefer? (47 votes)
To free roam games but different settings, which one do you prefer?
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To free roam games but different settings, which one do you prefer?
I could roam around blowing up whole fleets of ships for hours. I love that shit.
I have never once bought a GTA game, or ever been interested in them or their stories. Ever. The only thing they've ever made that I liked was Midnight Club. Where there hell is the PS4 MC game already RockStar?!?
I have to choose black flag, a game I have yet to play, since, gta5 is the most overrated game of all time. the rehashed, redundant and mediocre, been-there-done-that gameplay was one of the most laughable aspects of a huge, supposedly new AAA title I've ever experienced and thankfully I didn't buy it.
clichéd and carbon-copy clone doesn't begin to describe it. though, it does have a pretty bow.
I gave up on Assassins Creed after the 3rd installment for being stale and repetitive. Best game out of the two GTA 5 no question best game I played last year.
@udubdawgz1: I kinda agree, black flag brings something new to the table with the whole pirate theme, it's a total game changer and provides a new experience, where as gta gameplay is rehashed and I'm kinda over it now, I have gta5 and to be honest it's collecting dust right now has been for while, but it's not a bad game at all when i do play it it's fun for a few hours but then I put it down and dont touch it for a few weeks.
I didn't finish either if I'm honest. Assassin's Creed has never been a series I'm passionate about anyway, but pirating around looked fun and I wanted something to do with my PS4 so I picked it up. GTA, I kept feeling like "why bother, I know it's going to be on PC in a year" so it felt like wasting time. Plus Batman came out and I wanted to play that. Then new consoles came along and I wanted to kill zombies and race Ferraris. Never went back to finish them.
I did finish Saints Row 4 though. So I'd pick that if given the option. Between the two games offered though, I'd choose GTA.
@skyz_: kinda burned out with gta, I stopped playing assassins creed after the second one and haven't touched the series till now, the whole sailing around being a pirate sucked me back in. I used to love gta I would spend a bunch of time just cruising around messin around, but with this new one I get bored just doin that, would be interesting to see if some of you choosing gta are 30+ or much younger. I reckon the older players will be a bit more bored of gta.
@skyz_: kinda burned out with gta, I stopped playing assassins creed after the second one and haven't touched the series till now, the whole sailing around being a pirate sucked me back in. I used to love gta I would spend a bunch of time just cruising around messin around, but with this new one I get bored just doin that, would be interesting to see if some of you choosing gta are 30+ or much younger. I reckon the older players will be a bit more bored of gta.
I'm 25 so don't consider myself that young :P I get what you are saying though. I think GTAV appeals to me more now because I don't really have as much free time as I used to, it's easy for me to jump into GTA and have a bit of fun causing havok for an hour or so. With AC games I've always played with the intention of progressing the story, never enjoyed free roaming as much as I did in GTA.
@Pffrbt: just my theory that gta5 wouldn't really appeal to the more mature gamers. Why do you find both games so bad? In my opinion gta main story missions are good, but the free roaming/side quest are uninspiring, and with AC4 the main story missions are not the strong point, but the free roaming/side quest are amazing it's what makes the game.
Why do you find both games so bad?
Neither one has any real gameplay. GTAV is driving back and forth across a boring city while listening to annoying characters yell at you, then watching cutscenes in which annoying characters yell at you, and then driving somewhere, and then doing a simplistic cover shooter minigame. That's the entire game. The open world is completely squandered because there's nothing worthwhile to find or do in it, and the game punishes any attempt at experimentation or fun by giving your character the mortality of a wet paper bag.
AC4 has no gameplay at all. The open world is pointless because the game gets mad at you whenever you attempt to do anything fun. There's nothing to find, there's nothing to do, the only purpose the open world serves is to make it take longer to get from mission to mission. Navigation is annoying and mind-numblingly simplistic. Hold a button to auto-climb over everything in the clunkiest, most annoying way possible. There is no challenge or depth to the game. Mash two buttons while enemies slowly line up for you to kill them. It's painful.
@Pffrbt: I totally agree with you for gta5 I can only play that in small doses, but have you acually played AC4 black flag I don't think you have judging by your comments.theres a bunch to do in that game so much more than gta and gameplay is nice and challenging especially the naval battles,I think you have your wires crossed me old matey.
@Pffrbt: have you acually played AC4 black flag
Yes. It's just as boring, clunky, simplistic, and pointless as any other entry in the series. I've also had multiple people tell me that the naval battles and controlling the boat are awful, and considering how consistently awful that series has been I'll take their word for it.
".theres a bunch to do in that game"
Such as what.
@Pffrbt: yeah it can take some getting used to controlling the ship especially in the heat of battle, but I'm familiar with naval battles on console games after playing battle station pacific, so u have to remember that it's a ship it's not going to be super responsive with the controls, so anyone playing for the first time or people with short patience will find it frustrating. Just a little tip you have 4 speeds for the ship when wanting to change direction quicker slow right down make the turn then crank up the speed.
So what's there to do, there's a tonne of things to do I mean really? not to mention the main missions, if u really want to know what there is to do google it, there's so much I can't be bothered to type it all, you can play that game for a bunch of time and not do a main mission. But you need to do a few main missions at the start to unlock some of the upgrades.
Believe me I turned my back on the series after AC2, after seeing a few reviews on AC4 I saw that it's bringing something totally unique to the table, which gta has failed to do so far.
Both games are great games, and I like both the same(kinda). I voted for Black Flag since I figured that it needed help in this vote. I completed everything in the singleplayer of GTAV and I had alot of fun with that game, and it's a 9.5/10. I also really like Black Flag as it is an awesome game and I really like any thing to do with pirates from the past, but unfortunately this game suffers from Assassin's Creed-itis. By that I mean it is too much like Assassin's Creed and not enough pirates stuff, and yes I know it is an Assassin's Creed game and that's fine but I want a real pirate game one of these days.
There must not be much to do if you can't list any of it.
Neither of those. For free roaming I prefer games like Just Cause 2, Saints Row - The Third, The Saboteur, Fallout 3, Skyrim, etc.
I couldn't pick either.
The fact is GTA5 is your typical GTA without your GTA activities I mean come on the best they could do for a crime game was give you a chance to hit the golf course and play tennis and do yoga and have a go at a triathlon????? what the??? where are my robbing houses like in GTA:SanAndreas, where were my customisation options to build myself up get new houses and so on, once the main story was over that was it, great stock market??? why?? the game was trying to be something but it just wasn't sure what, I mean the gta online aspect was more closer to what I was expecting in the game, I want to play as a low level thug and build myself up, thats what I liked about GTA games of old esp san andreas and vice city at least, I think they have lost there way on what people want from these type of games.
AC:BlackFlag, well what can I can say, beautiful world, great cities and surroundings just an amazing map, there was quite alot to do in the world also, but at the same time AC games are probably the most easy gameplay i've ever known and so bland, counter an enemy and kill them all the time, there is no skill to combat, stealth??? what stealth the guards can't even hear you from behind, you can't duck, you only have long grass to hide in, there is no stealth in the game, I've always been baffled at how this series has got this far with exactly the same control scheme and easiness as the last one. half way through i was pretty much doing the same thing over and over and over, the ship battles were good at first but they also got predictable and easy.
So for me GTA5 had great eye candy and nothing more.
and AC had a great world map and side missions, but was pulled down by the fact combat and stealth are pretty non existent to anyone who wants a little tiny tiny bit of a challenge.
Seriously ? ! The only difference you cared to mention was the setting. It never even once occurred to you that theres more.... Perhaps an entire genre difference like Shooting/Driving and Stealth/Shipping.....
I prefer neither BTW. They both haven't done much in terms of Open World design.
@bezza2011: @Lulu_Lulu: are you kidding what other open world pirate sims are out there. AC4 has done what gta5 hasn't, change shit up.
@bezza, I agree with everything you said about gta I mean what was the point in buying some of those businesses for such little return, gta San Andreas is the best one and is one of my top ten.
Disagree with you on AC4 the combat is similar to batman AC. Hit hit counter hit hit counter although batman has gadgets he can bring into melee combat it's still basically the same. When surrounded by a number of enemies you don't want the combat to be to complicated.
You can be stealthy if you want you just don't have to be, I like to try and get through a level or area without getting spotted or without getting into combat, and just do stealth kills, and sometimes I just go all out. I find the combat very satisfying to play and watch,I know it's nothing like Dark souls which I love the combat in that. AC4 combat can get slightly tricky and you have to keep your wits about you and keep a good camera angle and make good use of the break defense button also.
You guys must prefer one over?
@bezza2011: @Lulu_Lulu: are you kidding what other open world pirate sims are out there. AC4 has done what gta5 hasn't, change shit up.
@bezza, I agree with everything you said about gta I mean what was the point in buying some of those businesses for such little return, gta San Andreas is the best one and is one of my top ten.
Disagree with you on AC4 the combat is similar to batman AC. Hit hit counter hit hit counter although batman has gadgets he can bring into melee combat it's still basically the same.
You can be stealthy if you want you just don't have to be, I like to try and get through a level or area with getting spotted or without getting into combat, and sometimes I just go all out. I find the combat very satisfying to play and watch, it can get slightly tricky and you have to keep your wits about you and keep a good camera angle and make good use of the break defense button.
not saying the combat isn't like Batman, but I find the combat so boring, AC4 all you have to do is counter and kill that's it, except the big men you have to push them and then kill, the captain takes a one more hit to kill instead.
A game built on the principle of an Assassin and yet gives you very very very little in term's of any actual stealth mechanics, I mean the fundamental part of stealth called crouch isn't in the game, you can run and run to your hearts content behind a guard and their non of the wiser, the AI is idiotic, there is absolutely no challenge to the game what so ever,
I'm not sure if you haven't worked it out but AC4, all you need to do in combat is block and then counter and that's it done, what wits about you??? they attack one at a time, they even made it easier by adding the crazy dart which basically kills a few for you and everyone goes running towards them. if that satisfies you then so be it but for me i like a bit of a challenge.
AC games are boring they have been the same mechanics since forever the only changes they made was make an easy mechanic even easier, the only thing going for it like i said was the setting, the pirate theme was the only thing what kept me playing, but underneath it all it was the exact same game as all the other AC's.
GTA5 it just isn't what i want from a gangsta game, I want to be a thug and i want to build my way up through the ranks and customization is key and buying properties and businesses and everything, you know san andrea's for me was the peak of all GTA it was what i dreamed it should be and it was, and i thought once they go back, then they would just up what you could do in that game but nope they actually stripped it back.
NOT GTA: Golf, Tennis, Yoga?, TRIATHLON???, Deep Sea Driver?????? I mean yea it's all great and I enjoyed them all, but you forgot one thing Rockstar, this is meant to be a game about violence theft and crime, you forgot that bit. lol
@bezza2011: lol!! Gta5 could have been so much better, such a beautiful massive world and nothing interesting to do in it, I mean Trevor gets the airfield with weapon smuggling missions and the bounty hunter missions, the other two characters get jack shit, what's up with that. With San adreas I didn't play anything else till I finished it, and I clocked up nearly 100hrs, right now gta5 is collecting dust, haven't played it for a couple months, I will finish it though, it is a good game glad they bought car customizing back but I wouldn't of minded loosing some of the sporting activities for some more interesting side missions for all three characters instead of just Trevor.
Dude like I said I know it's not the hardest combat system and I did say I enjoyed dark souls combat which should tell you I appreciate good solid combat that requires thought. On AC4 you do get surrounded and you do have enemies attacking you while your striking another opponent so you have to keep your wits about you, you also might have the armed gunman above you so you have to watch out for them also, and yeh you have the bigger guys you have to watch out for.plus you have that batman style critical strike combo thing going on, although it's not shown in the HUD like on batman. I do miss crouching but can live without it and I disagree you can be stealthy by using bushes and hay stacks trees whistling to attract enemies, the blow pipe,the fact that you can run up on enemies just shows that these asassins are quick and silent to the kill. I guess your right about one thing the core mechanics of the game haven't Changed, the last asassins creed I played was AC2 and not much has changed since then, I guess I'm not as bored of the gameplay as you or others.
The whole pirate thing is so cool and unique, I never get bored with naval battles and sailing the seas. I never fast travel even when it's made available.
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