We have all been there...
You spend hours upon hours working, dying, trying again; Only to be disappointed by the horrendous rolling of credits which is supposed to be your reward for a "JOB WELL DONE"
But there are those rare gems that not only draw you in emotionally as a game, but also give you a calm, peaceful, sense of closure to your gaming experience. A feeling that your experience wasnt wasted and will not soon be forgotten. It can be something as simple as the right music, or a well thought out "text" based after story that allows you to know what happened to your characters, almost baiting you to look forward to a sequel yet, somehow, being happy enough with the ending, you wouldnt wanna degrade the experience by looking too far ahead.
Those games pull you into the moment and allow you to just be "satisfied" with how it turned out & yet somehow become engrained in your psychy so much so that it rivals a "religious" experience equivalent for a gamer.
Which games, past or present, stick out in your mind in this manner and how did it effect your life as a gamer?
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