Two mentions for Star Ocean 4, I really liked that game, better than most RPGs I've played on PS3 at least. It didn't exactly review amazingly though, but I thought it was better than FFXIII and Eternal Sonata. First SO I bothered to complete as well (out of 2, 3 and 4).
Anyway, most of my regretted purchases are considered to be among the better games by most:
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (Days of Ruin) - I loved Dual Strike, but absolutely hated this. At least it was cheap.
Warhawk (PSN) - most of the time I can appreciate when a game is good regardless of whether I like it or not. I don't get how people enjoy this personally as I thought it played horribly.
Zack & Wiki - just not my thing really, and from the couple of hours I played, the motion controls don't seem nearly as great as people (particularly IGN) claimed.
Valkyria Chronicles - quite fun, but I got to a bit that was brutally difficult and I wasn't enjoying the game enough to keep plugging away at it.
Assassins Creed - massively overrated.
Oblivion - I enjoyed Fallout 3 to an extent, but absolutely hated Oblivion. I'm not that into WRPGs, especially ones that are basically PC-style games (I've never been into PC games)
de Blob - overrated IMO. Annoying how it constantly forces you out of the action to show you a new place you can go to.
Final Fantasy: Dissidia - hated the gameplay, and the story (for the time I played it) was awful.
Every WWE game I've bought since Smackdown 2 (maybe 3 if I'm being generous). Every now and again, after a few years, I try another, and remember why I shouldn't have done when I get round to playing the boring simness of modern wrestling games.
Pretty much every game I ever bought on the Gamecube, excluding Monkey Ball 1 (and to a lesser extent, 2), Mario Kart and F-Zero.
Patchwork Heroes (PSP) - I got this as the reviews said it was like a great evolution of the Qix formula, but personally it just made me want to play real Qix instead.
Wolfenstein 3D - when I bought it, I'd forgotten that old FPS games make me ill.
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