Here is how I would rank them
1) Heroes III (along with Armageddon's Blade, Shadow of Death, and Heroes Chronicles)- This is the best game of the series, no question about it. Nine town types....NINE...with unique cities such as the Fortress (swamp town) found in no other heroes game. It has a great storyline, easy to play, tough to master. Not only do I think this is the best heroes game, but it is the best strategy game as well.
2) Heroes II (along with Price of Loyalty) - this is the game that put the series on the map, I like the set up, good brother vs evil brother, for the throne. The Necromancer and Wizard castles were excellent editions. Kind of difficult though in campaign mode.
3) Heroes V (along with Hammers of Fate and Tribes of the East) - kind of like a 3d version of Heroes III, but the storyline is much weaker and I hated how they added 2 towns in the expansions that should have been in the first game. Still a fun game, gamplay is very good, but it is kind of too complex, unlike III, and I liked III's towns slightly better.
4) Heroes IV (along with Gathering Storm and Winds of War) I think the campaigns in the normal game have the best written and plotted storylines in the series by far (especially the Nature campaign) and I liked how the Might campaign wrapped up Heroes Chronicles. But the gameplay is wack and unbalanced. Heroes fighting on the battlefield can be very unbalanced and Order magic was way too strong. Only six town types too (life, death, order, chaos, nature, and might), a step back from III. The xpac's were skimpy as well.
5) Heroes I (no expansion) You had to start somewhere...................
Individual categories...
Best Gameplay - III
Best Graphics - V
Best Art - II, but I do love III's and V's as well
Best Soundtrack - IV by far
Best Storyline - IV, but III is close
Best Value - III
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