Hold left mouse, slide over a load of troops. CTRL-1 squad number 1!. Build more tanks and rocket troopers. Attack ground over there, hope they engage everything they pass on the way. Build more tanks and one of them weird spy like units you can never normaly be bothered with.
'Damn whats taking squad 1 so long?' Right click on map, 'are there they are! trying to get past that brige in single file. O wait half the tanks are trying to take an alternative route and have split from the rest of the group, better fix that. Damn, they found the enemy base and have triggered the computer A.I into all out war mode. But it's too early in the map and I not had time to gather enough resourses yet, And, neither neither should computer for that matter! I mean what the hell, he's built the Armory? What, I just about had time for the barraks and weapons factory, what's he doing with an armory? WTF turrets? but you need a tech centre for that, huh? he has one already! WTF!'
'Ok, ok, Squad 1 will buy me time. Let's build up defences. Ok, a gun turret here. Yep, cool. Ok, another one 2 spaces next to it "Insufficient funds". O great. Wait how is squad 2 coming along. Ok I got 2 tanks and a rocket trooper. Computer has somehow managed to spread through half the map already, and seems to be trying to build a 5th base on top of my resource outpost to the east.'
'Ok, time to even the score.' Presses ¬ to bring up the command console let's see. /givemoney_99999999
'Ok computer, two can play this game!'
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