The other day I was at a group therapy session, we were all playing CODMW3 Free For All on Seatown on Xbox 360. I was in the lead by far, and I rarely play on Xbox360, not to mention I don't have one. I didn't have my glasses so my eye sight wasn't that good either.
One of the kids I was playing with kept crying "CAMPER!!!! STOP FAWKING CAMPING!!!!!" I just sat their smiling and laughning knowing, that I wasn't camping and the fact he was butthurt over me dominating him and the others. Since we were playing splitscreen on a 23' monitor he could of easily looked at my screen to see if I was camping or not, I was clearly running around the entire map, I was not staying in only one spot.
Then in the next game I got a first blood off another one of my group mates, while I was running off to the rest of the map he, by coincidence he spawned near where I was running on the map and I quickly killed him. Then he agreed that I was camping. After a couple more kills they ended up joining forces on trying to kill me. cause I was "camping". They ended up sticking together to get more kills out of me.
In combat arms I was on a rampage, when usually I get a negative KD in that game but I killed one cry baby who happened to be an elite who cried hacks and then kicked me out the room. My clan members laughed their asses off cause that guy is a complete noob since I'm pretty bad at combat arms. So that says a lot about the guy who kicked me.
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