I know but i think it still had at least a couple months let, it was taken down in the flash of an eye.Also this bored seems to not have as much life as the others?
Good topic. The PS2 is deserving of it's own dedicated forum. I understand moving on and combining forums, but I think it was done WAY too early. It's still the World's #1 seller AND Sony's made it clear that this system is in it's plans for the foreseeable future -- not the total cut n' run Microsoft pulled with the original XBOX. Either way, I'm not losing sleep over it. I just thought it was interesting they pulled the plug about a year (or two!) early.
Well it was bound to happen eventually. My guess is it was just easier to remove them all and add this place now, rather than leaving one for however much longer.
True true but the xbox and gc are officially dead as for the PS2 it is not.Also this board shouldve been made a long time ago it would have stopped users from making so many Retro unions.
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