Throughout this gen Capcom has screwed us over more times than the prostitutes at the bunny ranch. Of course other companies like EA and Activision has done the same but when they announce a new sequel, gamers immediately forget about all the bad things that they did to us prior and flatout say things like "I love you Capcom, EA, or Activision!"
Most of the talented developers that Capcom once had are all gone and most of what they got are a bunch of stooges that do what the suits tell them to do, and you got all the mediocre devs that Capcom keeps outsourcing their games to. The only good devs that Capcom outsourced one of their games to was Wayforward with DuckTales. But even when it's a mediocre developer, that doesn't stop gamers from thinking that the game is in deep sh**. . . . And there's the DLC that Capcom is so infamous for, they forget that too.
Maybe it's fanboyism and low self-esteem, I mean I have enough pride to go and say that I rather have no Power Stone 3 than a terrible, bare-bone game with a bunch of DLC characters tied to it while others don't.
So is the gaming society f***ed?
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