Why is Damien Hurst considered to be art? Many people would not know
what art was if it fell on their heads including that animal abusing,
evil exploiter of popular ignorance. Art can be found in games, art can be
found in paintings. We use the term art far too broadly in society.
Art occurs when something is created which is inspiring, original, deep
and through which the 'spirit' shines through. Everything else is just
graphics. Some games can be compared to literature; Thief Dark Project as
a classic novel, Max Payne as a dark thriller, but neither of them are 'art'
but both are good graphics.
As to the shears you mention with chicken bits attached that is not art,
that is the sort of contrivance that was art for the first few minutes of
Marcel Duchams declaration of a urinal as art. Anyone who proceeded from
that point was simply engageing in the mish-mash of trickery which
includes all video installatiions and Tracy Emin's bed.
Omar Sharif recently said that Hollywood has not produced a film as art for
years and that the prizes for films at Cannes are mostly going to Iranains or
Chinese directors. Art has ceased to be an ambition of Hollywood. and graphics;
particularly computer graphics, have replaced art in Hollwood. That is why there
are so few memorable and classic moments in modern film.
Art is mainly a function of the male immigination as males more easily
can transcend gender while females find it hard to rise above human
biology and relationships. Some female artists are original like Brigid Riley
but most have always tagged along behind movements created by men.
A good definition of art is that it elevates the immigination while graphics simply
surplant it. Art is of the spirit and graphics representations of the material.
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