A little reality check... publishers and developers only want money. Gamers pay the money because the publishers and developers promise fun, freedom, change, security, etc. And, because of the system (the way things are set up), the rich get richer. Big developers and publishers now have a monopoly. Microsoft, for example, is so big that the little guy (independent developers) can barely squeeze into the business. But being big isn't enough. What do all people with power and money want?
Specifically, more control. Every gaming company would like to be the ONLY gaming company, because to them, competition is a threat. Rationality and common sense tell us that competition is healthy; it keeps the big companies in check, because if gamers don't like what they do, they have the choice to buy somewhere else. Unfortunately, much of our choice today is an illusion. Almost every aspect of industry in the West has been swallowed up and absorbed into the all-powerful megacorporations. The gaming industry is no different. Do you think the CEO's of Microsoft and Sony hate each other? Probably not. Just like Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, they have lunch together. And while media is supposed to remain objective and promote transparency between the gamers and publishers/developers, the objectivity of the media (Gamespot and IGN) is questionable.
So, the big companies get top heavy, let the money go to their heads, and start throwing their weight around like Microsoft did at E3 with their new Xbox One policies. Fortunately, gamers made a loud enough clamour to remind Microsoft where their money was coming from, and now Microsoft is trying to repair the damage they caused to themselves. But do you think that's the end? You think they won't try it again? And not just Microsoft, but all the big gaming companies. It's coming ... dun dun duuuh!!
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