Visual wise, 2D holds up better than 3D in general. And in 3D games that go for more 'realistic' graphics don't hold up as well. But games with a better art direction, cell shaded, etc usually hold up a whole lot better.
Gameplay wise, good games hold up with no problem. Bad games can't hold up what they never had. And average games hold up fine but usually are outshined by newer improved games in the genre. Good games are usually still outshing the newer competition though.
I disagree. There are 3D games that do hold up over time just as effectively as 2D. Games like Dead Or Alive 2 and 3, Silent Hill 3, Splinter Cell, Soul Calibur 3, and REMake are still considered impressive despite the advent of HD.
Don't know why people always tend to seperate art direction and realism as if they're 2 different things when realism is a type of art direction in itself.
I don't know why some gamers seperate grapics and art direction either, and yeh there are plenty of 3D games that hold over time just as good as 2Ds.I wasn't saying realism wasn't an art direction, or that graphics and art direction are really seperate. I agree that some 3D games hold up very well, and I'm sure there can be some examples of 2D games that don't really. But in general, 2D holds up better usually. Also, certain art styles like cell shading usually hold up pretty darn good. Most expamples of games going for a realistic direction don't seem to hold up as well visually for me at least. Dosen't necessarily make them unplayable or any less great, but still.
And the evolution of controls plays into it too. Playing an older Resident Evil, or Alone in the Dark, can be very frustrating once you have gotten use to the more standard controls of today. The way you control your character more like a tank doesn't hold for me very well either.
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