I dare not post this on "System Wars" for fear of getting torn apart by every fanboy in existence, so I'll post it here, hoping the more level-headed members of the GameSpot community can provide the answer.
The system wars have been raging for ages, from SNES (S N E S, not "Snez" or any other such nonsense) and Genesis fanboys ragging one another on the schoolyard to the present day, when Wii, PS3 and 360 fans gurgle out nonsense at eachother on internet message forums everywhere. What I don't understand is why anyone cares.
Now I understand that a console is definitely a huge investment. However, it's not like one system's success comes to the detriment of another. I remember as a little girl walking to the local video store and seeing Lunar: The Silver Star on sale for $60 on the Sega CD. Of course, I didn't have a Sega CD at the time, as it was far too expensive and I was an SNES girl anyway. It was an awesome-looking game and I really, really wanted to play it, but understood that I wasn't going to get that chance, at least not at that time. I felt bad about it - RPGs were my lifeblood back in the day, and so rare to find. However, all I rmember was hoping for a Super Nintendo port at some point. I didn't really think the Genesis sucked, despite my fervent Nintendo fangirlism at the time. Adulthood came, and with it a PlayStation, where I literally had RPGs thrown at me left and right, and I never really went with my intention to get an N64 until after I got my PS2, Xbox and Cube. I never really got into the whole "[insert system here] sucks!" nonsense, and never really thought much of it. I just went where the games I liked were.
So now we're on the seventh generation, and the system wars are in full swing, with Xbox 360 fanboys trying to convince people that the PS3 has no games, PS3 fanboys trumpeting Blu-Ray like it was the most important thing ever and the especially annoying Wii fanboys shouting off from the mountaintops about how the Wii is saving the gaming industry with all this innovation, never mind that their big games tend to be games confined to established serieses and play ****. All three systems have good and bad points, so why is it so important that one system sell the most units? All I've ever cared about is that the system gives me tons of great games and makes money for the system maker so they'll make another one when the generation is done.
The fact is, quite frankly, the 'system wars' mean nothing. 3rd parties are going to go where their particular audience is, regardless of which system has the biggest number next to it on VGChartz. Great, the Wii has billions of units out there, but why would anyone make a violent FPS on it considering its demographic. Likewise, why would you buy a 360 if you're not into FPS games, regardless of its popularity?
All I'm saying is... No, not "Give peace a chance." Just play what you like. Don't be a dumbass fanboy.
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