Why is it almost everytime you see an Army Men game come out it's mediocre at best? You'd think a series about plastic soldiers would be an easy game to make good. I think the series just had some really bad developers.
I quite liked some of the army men games on the PS1. Sure most were bad but I had fun with a few. Air Attack was awesome. I had fun with the Sarges Heroes games as well, although looking back on it I can see those games aren't exactly great. Air Attack is definitely still a fun game for me though.
In my opinion they were always crap, sure watching plastic army men melt away from the awe inspiring all mighty flamethrower was great......but thats where it stopped.
i had a few to the n64 (forgot the names) had alot of fun with the multi player mode, to me it was one of the best multi player vs modes back in the day along with goldeneye 007 and conkers bad fur day.
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