I find myself in a strange place. The next generation consoles are on the horizon... And I don't give a damn.
I've seen some stuff, sure, and it doesn't look THAT much better than the PS4 and Xbone. Indeed, the expectations seem to be tempered down, with lots of talk about load times and raytracing instead of anything that's really going to look substantially different. Indeed, it seems like these consoles are designed for 4K and fast loading to the exclusion of everything else. I've had NO problems with games loading slowly on the PS4 and Xbone, even with vast open worlds like the ones we've seen in Horizon: Zero Dawn or Red Dead Redemption 2. It seems that Sony's off trying to sell TVs with their game console again, and Microsoft? Is this just their last console, and they're going out with a bang? This coming generation just seems... Bleh.
It's a strange place to be for me. The start of a new console generation has always been exciting for me, what with all the possibilities for new games and new experiences. Now? The excitement isn't there. Other than sequels to Halo and Horizon, I don't care at all about these boxes. That they're likely both to be $500 makes me even more subdued about the coming generation. The Series S had SOME potential, but now that we know it's a digital-only box, that's off the list entirely. What's left seems to be exclusively for people with 50+ inch monitors and an obsession with granular technological detail that has always been alien to me. And the potential for $70 games makes the whole lot even less appealing.
This isn't to say I WON'T get one of these systems ever, but this looks to be the first time ever that I will be waiting for a price drop, possibly two. $500 for systems that don't look like they'll offer anything more than moderately faster load times just doesn't appeal. Hopefully by the time these boxes hit a more palatable price, there's something that's worth spending the money on.
Not to say that I won't be gaming while I wait. There's plenty to play still. Games look like they'll still be coming out on the PS4 and Xbone for some time yet, and I have massive backlogs of shame. Not only that, but my Raspberry Pi 4 and PC have been getting a TON of use during the pandemic, what with all the retrogaming I've been doing. Obviously, GOG and the Switch are still a big part of the gaming diet. Looking forward to the new Hyrule Warriors!
At the end of the day, this is the first time I've not cared at all. Is gaming passing me by? Maybe. But while I love gaming and always will, I'm not an addict. I can wait until it's more palatable for me.
So, what about you guys? Anyone else here not looking forward to or really caring about the next gen consoles? Is it a strange feeling for you as it is for me, not having any excitement or wanting to jump into the next gen now, if ever? I'd love to read your thoughts on the subject!
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