That's another thing I don't understand. How do games like Dead or Alive even make it into production when there are games like GTA. I know they are professionals making those 'bad' games but I would be embarrassed if I had anything to do with a game like that, other than it's demise lol. I know Dead or Alive came out before GTA but it seems like they are going to be played on the same machine, using the same console, what's the excuse? I imagine they didn't have the same tools available or just a bunch of nimnools on the team. I guess if I had more involvement into the industry other than playing them(and complaining about them hehe)I might know why games like that get made. That's a topic for another discussion maybe.
Also as far as remakes, what's the opinions on Bionic Commando? Does it suck?
I think sequels to games are remakes in a way. I mean if a game came out on the PS2 and the sequel came out on the PS3, up until that point, it was never made on the newer console, it's more of an adaptation of the old game to the new console but with a different or modified story. But technically speaking it should be better or at least the same amount of fun, but with better graphic and more freedom. I know that isn't always the case.
One of the things that bugs me is that they are trying to come up with new ideas for games and still not getting the idea of freedom right. I mean, I thought that as game consoles progress you are suppose to have more freedom in games and be able to do things in games that you can't in real life(or just plain are not suppose to do). Even some games that are considered good as far as animation, graphics etc. they only give you one option or 'path' to go to the goal or end of level etc. Like Gears of War, or that game with the guy with the razorblade boomerang for his hand[forgot what it's called lol]. While they are fun and entertaining, suspenseful, scary etc. they still lack that 'freedom thing'.
For example, many games use rubble or crashed vehicles, fallen building etc. to block access and guide you to where they want you to go. I want to be able to jump over the vehicle or go through it, under it, dig around it, climb over it, move stuff to go the way I want if it's possible etc. I guess it's the idea of not being able to do something in the game that I would or could in real life. That seems kind of lame considering that you should be able to do more than you can in real life, not less.
I guess I'm getting OT but it's kind of hard to do when talking about games, thats the nature of them I think.
I like to explore in games, I know I'm not alone on that. When I first got back into gaming I bought a PS2 and When San Andreas came out I thought I was in heaven! Had I not bought a new console I would probably still be trying to find things to ride the bike off of and freefall to the ground lol.
Another good example of a remake or sequel would that game Shadow of the Colossus. You can't tell me that wouldn't be fun on a PS3 or 360. Maybe throw in a few smaller battles with smaller sized foes, other men maybe too, more underwater and air battles, etc that game was great and a good example of what I'm talking about as far as freedom. Being able to scale rock faces would have been fun though(I mean other than what you COULD do).
Also any game it's obviously dependant on who makes it, if it's good or sucks. Doesn't matter if it's a remake, sequel, or totally new idea. And the way that Studios change and lose/fire and hire people it's hard to identify a good name because the next game you buy from a name you know made a great game like The Orange Box might have totally changed or sold the company and has few of the people left that made that game you liked so much. I'm not saying it's always a bad move, sometimes it's the opposite(a company that made a sucky game comes out with a killer because they got a clue, some talent, or hired someone from a company that made good games. I know it has a lot to do with publishers and such too sucking away things that would have made a game good. That's why I'll say it again 'Renegade start-up company' lol if I win the lottery I'll be looking for some creative minds hehe.
Thanks for the comments.
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