[QUOTE="Memberino"][QUOTE="ethngames"] why does everyone want a ff7 remake?
I honestly don't think that games can look as good as pre-rendered graphics in real time yet. Its apples and oranges at the moment. The fact that you can tell the differences shows how special the pre-rendered graphics are.
As for story, I'll go for VII's over XII's "story" anyday...
Why DOES everyone want a remake? I also don't understand all these people that say "Final Fantasy couldn't live up to today's games", ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Have you played Final Fantasy XII?
All the psone final fantasies stand high above other games, their stories and graphics (pain stakingly hand drawn pre-rendered backgrounds are ageless) don't need to be tarnished with a remake that might just ruin them.
Besides, I am interested in Final Fantasies for the stories so a remake would just be ludicrous and pointless.
I think most of the people who say that Final Fantasy 7 won't stand out today are commenting on the story aspects though. It is assumed that it won't have awesome graphics, and yes, even the COMPUTER GENERATED pre-rendered stuff seems out-of-date considering modern games can look better than that in real-time.
FF7 fits into the category of storytelling that believes the more complex you make something, the better it becomes. They are not aiming for a story to be deep, but instead to have dozens of characters with their own stories that all somehow connect in some convuluted way. It's not like I didn't have fun playing the game, but to say it is timeless because of a deep story isn't true. It is timeless because of the nostalgia people have.
I still prefer the pre-rendered backgrounds, I don't believe games are quite up to that realistic standard. The fact there is a difference shows it. As for story, I would prefer VII's story over XII's "story" anyday.
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