I don't get it. Everyone thinks games on 360 are better than games on PS3. I agree 360 controls are better, but they got same graphics, same gameplay, same online play, same characters, same everything. Take Fallout 3 for example. 360, 9.0 with more votes, PS3, 8.5 with less votes. Whats the deal? I've been noticing it in a lot of games, but when it came out in Fallout 3, that was the last straw. Iguess it's because this is Microsoft's second game system and Sony's 4th, well maybe 5th ifyou count the PSP. So I guess Sony got less popular, cause PS2 was waay better.Plus, we have portable, too. Anyway, can someone give me any reason as to whyeveryone thinks 360 is better with the games?
Read the reviews. They explain the any point discrepancy between consoles. I think the PS3 version of Fallout 3 for example had slightly less reliable frame rates in some cases.From the review:
"It's a shame, in light of these impressive design elements, that the PlayStation 3 version is shockingly inferior to the others from a technical perspective. Although the Xbox 360 and PC versions display the occasional visual oddity and bland texture, these nitpicks are easy to overlook. Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around."
I know, it is strange why the ps3 has less quality of gameplay and graphics than pc and 360. Usually, ps3 graphic quality outnumbers both, but in F3, idk what happened. I have HDMI, so I don't notice it much. My ps3 is updated and none of the characters or the screen mess up, but the jagged edges and stuff are a little noticeable. The lighting is fine though. I guess tha's why. Other than that, it's perfect.
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