I cant believe Xbox cant overtake PS4 in Europe even though Fifa legends is an exclusive for it! Help me out here people cause I have googled and nothing definitively comes up as a yes or no, is the Xbox One cheaper than PS4 in Europe? It must be cheaper in the UK for sure? Please are there any Europeans here that can answer this cause its burning in my mind!
I mean soccer/football is the biggest sport in the world and its insanely popular in Europe so you'd think that fifa legends being an exclusive for Xbox would cause most people to opt for it over PS4 (ESPECIALLY IF XBOX IS THE CHEAPER CONSOLE!) but no right now PS4 has 70 to 90% market share over there.
I mean lets face it as of right now Xbox has the best game lineup. I mean the critics tend to think Sony won E3 but gamescom hands down goes to Microsoft (and if Microsoft had shown these games off at E3 instead of gamescom who do you think would have won?) and I know for a fact Xbox One is cheaper than PS4 here in USA! In fact much cheaper! You can get a 500 GB Xbox for $350 compared to a $400 500GB PS4, its gets even better, right now you can get a $400 1 TB Xbox One! YET THE PS4 IS STILL OUTSELLING THE XBOX!!!
Now I do believe that due to the much cheaper price tag and badass game lineup that Xbox will turn things around and outsell PS4 during the 2015 holidays here in North America. So I do think Microsoft will once again be the King here in USA but as for Europe... What the hell's going on over there?
I'm from northern europe also and have some theories (or rather an essay :P) to why xbox one imo is doing worse than ps4 based on my experience, talking with friends and other gamers from here.
First off we can all agree regardless if we are europeeans or americans that their reveal and the drm bullshit was abyssmal and probably gave sony a few sales right there. And as alot of people mentioned the x1 is catered to an american audience and their way of life. For instance the whole tv through your xbox thing. We already have better electronics for that purpose and where an american might be all for features to raise or lower the volume with their voice (wich of course doesn't apply for most of us as voice commands and even tv guide is not universally available to us anyway), even for the europeans that have these features they often see it as doing more work with a 80W controller instead of pressing a button on a <1W normal controller, hence why it is even disabled as default unlike the x1's in USA. We don't really care for other features like snap or skype. That is not why we want a gaming console, one normal viewpoint is the only way to go for one machine that does all in a good way is pc, doing alot of stuff pretty halfassed or having features we already have readily available in our tv's or phones does not make it more appealing. We mainly want a gaming console for gaming.
Most of "the cool" features they showed off and even marketed did not apply to most eurpeeans and some still don't, only the tier 1 countries. That is still true today. That is one reason MS piss of alot of europeeans, labeling them as "tiers" essentially calling some less worth than others (wich businesswise might be true in terms of potential sales, but still nothing you want to be obvious with as you want to appear as someone for the gamers and not someone who view consumers only as "a wallet"). We have always been "second grade" consumers in their eyes and they have treated us as such since the 360 days. That might make people less inclined to put up with anything negative from the xbox brand. Sony does the same of course with newer features currently in beta etc for US consumers. But they have better rethorics around it and have never labeled countries as or similar to tiers. Also the ps4 does what it was marketed as, was fully localised at launch with all launch features available and was released in all territories regardless of how big or small the market is.
Of course the fact that playstation has been a household name since long before xbox also gives sony an edge here. 360 sold fairly well here but the original xbox is almost non existant here. Far from everyone I know, even knows anyone who has grown up with an xbox console, but almost all of them have/have had or know someone who have/have had a playstation or nintendo console.
Another blow was the initial pricetag and that it officially released almost a year later (stores here still had an abundance of unsold x1's from UK right after the UK launch), supposedly for localisation... wich never happened even when it officially launched. We still lacked our most popular apps and there still was no voice commands and alot of the games like KI wasn't even available at our own official launch. Meanwhile at the time the ps4 was not only cheaper, was fully localised at launch.
Over here today the standard ps4 cost around 50$ more than the standard x1 without kinect not counting different deals etc. But I think the culture of "making a deal" is more prevalent for americans. I believe we are more willing to pay extra for the things we want rather than getting something "similar" but not exactly what we want cheaper. Sony knows this hence why they don't lower the price and it still doesn't really affect their market share.
Alot of people brings up exclusive games as beeing better on x1, wich is completely subjective and can't really be applied as a general reason. Historically last gen Sony exclusives appealed more to europeeans over xbox exclusives except for UK. US and UK loves guns, explosions and cars ("dudebro" games if you will), the rest of europe loves adventures and rpg/jrpg games more. And mostly the most popular games are multiplat anyway.
We still love shooters here BUT mainly on PC with mouse and keyboard. Wich brings me to another potential reason... PC gaming in some form is extremely widespread in europe even if you also game on consoles. US seems to be more EITHER a pc gamer OR a console gamer, rarely both (and for some reason you hate eachother). I know alot of gamers from here both irl and through clans etc in games and every gamer I know except 3 play on PC only or both PC and console. One might think that with the windows 10 integration that might be an edge to microsoft, but in reality it is another reason to go for the ps4 unless you are planning to get both. The general thought of mind is, yeah I'll miss some exclusives but half or more of them end up on pc anyway. PS4 games rarely do, atleast not the big ones people care about. If we look at big hitters exclusive releases on the 360, we have Halo (except 1 & 2 and spartan), all gears except the first and all Forza games that you truly needed a 360 for, everything else ended up on pc and even in some cases on ps3.
RROD and the scratched disc debacle might have had an effect also. They were very late in taking care of their consumers here and they still to this day haven't acknowledged the scratched discs. So yes alot of people I talked to view xbox as shoddier quality than playstation and the customer service and support as non existant.
And of course the snowball effect, as more people you know buy one system the more likely you will buy the same system to play with them.
In lieu of this FIFA legends has no real weight overall. They still get the FIFA and PES games, the most important bits. Sure some extreme football fans might buy an x1 over the ps4 if they have friends who do the same, but not many will sell their ps4 and have none to play with to get FIFA legends.
One thing to be noted is no one I have talked to mentioned "resolution/power" or "drm" as a reason to opt for ps4. I think they reason way blown out of proporsion. No no one really cares about the extra p's and yes everybody is well informed about MS never implementing drm and their policy reversals.
And no one has not bought a x1 for the a xenophobic reason like "beeing an american product". If the latter was the case Iphones/apple products, american movies, netflix, McDonalds and other american products wouldn't be as popular.
As for myself PC is my main platform but I do have and play xbox one & ps4 and oncasionally ps3 (had 360's but never bought a new one when the last one broke as by that time MS didn't release anything new and everything else was on pc). I do hold hope still with some of the newly announced exclusives from microsoft as most of them are a big step away from the dudebro titles Halo, Gears and Forza, wich personally appeal more to me and alot of other people here. Hopefully that is enough to get xbox back into the market here. Sony needs competition so they don't slack off to much in arrogance. Everything is reversed from last gen where we saw microsoft do this while sony pumped out fantastic exclusives right up tp the release of the ps4.
Except for pc my ps4 does get more attention simply for the fact that I only know 2 people I play with that has x1's.
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