a) ESCAPISM: In games we have no consequence to our shooting, so it acts as a form of relieving the fact most human beings have a suppressed desire to kill, to injure, to steal etc.
b) MOTIVE: When you shoot someone in a game you have a reason for it given to you by the storyline.
c) COMPETITION: When you compete in a team based FPS it is competetive, hence the shooting is just another form of competition. As the game is virtual, the sport becomes harmless. Games are fun not because of shooting, but because of the challenge.
d) REALITY: A game is a game: who cares if you shoot somebody, its not like shooting them for real is it.
e) ENTERTAINMENT: Shooting people and replaying historic theatres of war passes as entertainment in our society. Enjoying shooting people in a game is no different to enjoying a good war film or novel.
g) POWER: It gives you power and control.
Don't flame me unless you want to look like an idiot, and do read the whole post. Bear in mind I'm at school I'm not a politician accusing games of corrupting children, and yes I play GTA etc and enjoy it.
Was it wrong last night that I was enjoying shooting the other team in counter strike? Maybe for you guys it was Halo, or COD 4 etc
I know its hardly like I'm shooting people for real but the fact that Call of Duty 4 is one of the biggest selling games this year (biggest?) and revolves around you getting a kick out of shooting virtual enemies is kind of weird isn't it?
I remember reading heart of darkness by Conrad and him saying if you take away society and civilisation and all the rules and consequences that come with it, then you change for the worse and become like an animal. Is it the same with games: that when you take away all form of consequence and formality that real life gives then the sheer fun of shooting people takes over morality? Or is it the fact that nobody who plays games really understands what war is about? I mean if you ever had to shoot somebody, or saw someone shot, would you still approach shooting games in the same way? If I served in Iraq and saw women and children killed I don't think I'd play Counter Strike because I'd understand that war isn't a game its a tragedy. I played with toy soldiers when I was a kid. I think a lot of kids do. Is it the same childlike fascination with war through lack of experience that makes us enjoy FPS games?
I am not saying ban FPS games; I play them myself, I am not saying playing GTA IV makes people walk outside and kill people and I do not have kids or other concerns like that which make me write this post. But is real life and virtual life in video games so different? Maybe some of you will argue that say, for example, conflict desert storm on the Xbox and pc a while back was totally different from the real thing, but I'm just hinting at whether the lines blur or not.
The real question I'm getting at is WHY do we enjoy games like COD4, and is it an excuse that videogames, like toy soldiers, are not like real war, or are we just kidding ourselves that really every human being has a side that enjoys killing.
Just think about it: why are FPS games fun? Really do think what it is about them that makes them entertainment. Puzzle games give people a challenge, sports games give competition...but FPS? Surely it's in the title: shooting. But why is it that we find that fun?
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