I was reading through forums (cause I really have no life, besides work and video games over the summer cause I am out of school) and everyone says "Such and Such game" "I love this game" but never says why. I am bad for this too so I am going to say why I love Shadow of the Colossus which is my favorite game.
I like Shadow of the colossus because of the story being told within the gameplay of the game. Kind of like when your reading a book and you are reading bewteen the lines.. umm example... I am hoping everyone has read the short story called the Painted Door. Well if not look it up and you will see a great example of reading bewteen the lines.... anyway back to Shadow of the Colossus. The game showed me that cinematics don't make a game, nor does the combate system or even the graphics and frame work, but rather how the style or athstetics of the game serve in the game narritve in the gameplay aspect. This allows for the player to feel more emersed in the game.... I think anyway. Legacy games like Super Mario Bros. 3, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Zelda Ocarina of Time and even Metal Gear Solid and Sonic Adventure so us legacy gamers that graphics don't make a game. And Legacy gamers see this differently, any that goes back and plays Panzer Dragoon and still enjoys it must look at games differently then those who send countless hours playing Call of Duty online. Anyway, this is turning more into a blog then a reason why I love Shadow of the colossus. but overall I like shadow of the colossus because it stays true to way I think video games are, and that is an art of interaction. Shadow of the Colossus to me is the best example of this
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