Because it redefined the fantasy action-adventure genre and because it was the first Zelda in 3D. There was nothing that could come close to it when it came out. Of course today it's not that good anymore (which goes for pretty much any game btw) but back then it made a great impression on the gaming crowd and is justly considered a classic.
I disagree. I think the game holds up rather well. The graphics are dated of course, but it still has a consistent look to it in the same vein as Mario 64 does. What continues to impress me about Ocarina is just how "right" the game felt. Everything from the music, visuals, sound effects, and story mesh together perfectly. The closest thing I could compare it to would be a classic disney movie. Also, the level(dungeon) design is rather brilliant--that is something that remains timeless. So when you say that "any" game, after time, isn't any good? That's the furthest thing from the truth I think i've ever read on this forum. Mario World remains good to this day because of its brilliant level design. Same goes for Link to the Past and Super Metroid.
ps. All these ZElda threads need to die down because they are making me want to replay Ocarina, but I must hold off until my copy of Ocarina3D arrives.
Well of course it's by no means bad and like I said is justly a classic. But it does feel feel woody and choppy today. The camera also isn't very good and you have no control over it, the day and night cycles are too fast and hyrule feels a little empty and not nearly as epic as it did back then. The graphics are also technically outdated (if still aestetically consistent). I agree the level design is still very good though.
Of course SMW ALttP and SM are timeless classics but they also couldn't pass as new games for a full price anymore.
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