There is this really cool trend of absolutely hating the Wii U. whether it is for being under-powered or being something that people know nothing about and are confused about.But if People hate on the Wii U for the lack of understanding, then why don't they take the time to learn about it? and if it is such a wide spread trend to hate it now,then obviously people know what it is. It is getting really annoying as a gamer to have all these famous Youtubers and mainstream idiots talking trash about a wonderful system just because it is cool. Just yesterday Smosh made a video and at the end they called the Wii u "a huge piece of shit that has no games". It is not new for people to dislike Nintendos latest system but this is different. The community was just starting to realize that the Wii u is a great system with truly amazing games. Online comment sections and forums were finally seeing positive reactions to the console. Now that Nintendo has started to please its fan base the mainstream casuals want to take it away.
They are using what the game community has said in the past to gain viewership and popularity through a once popular controversial topic. It is not popular to talk about all the good and truly wonderful things that Nintendo has done. It is popular however to talk about their failures and blame them for the bad reputation of the Wii U. And the more that these very well known people talk trash and make jokes at the system, the more views they will get,and the more gamers that take it seriously,the more Wii U's will not sell because of the "opinion" of one or two people that have a multimillion following on popular sites.People talk trash about the Wii U because it is the easy thing to do. They do it because it gains the attention of other people who like to hate on it, and the people who are loyal to Nintendo and will defend it.
The problem here is that The Wii U really is a great console. It is my personal "next gen" system and one that I would recommend to anyone. Nintendo has in my opinion the best selection of first party titles on any of the systems. Pikmin 3,Donkey Kong country tropical freeze,super mario bros. U, The legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD,Super Mario 3D world, wonderful 101,and Mario Kart 8 ,Super smash bros. and a new Legend of Zelda are coming. The system is also Backwards compatible. It has the games! It has the best 'next gen' games! and the people that say it is not next gen because it is not as powerful as the Ps4 and Xbox one are stupid. Power does not make a system "next gen". Innovation and change are also a large part of it. Compared to the Xbox one and the PS4 the Wii U does an outstanding job at being an amazingly fun and entertaining system. Power is not everything! If Power was everything that mattered then you should have bought a PC! Compared to a Pc your "next gen" consoles are Crap!
It is not about the Power and the graphics.(though those do help) It is about the Games and the community. And Nintendo has started to finally listen to its community.Look at the new Nintendo direct for Mario Kart 8. They tried to get on the same level as the fans and joke around and have a good time. (They announced that you will be able to upload your Mario Kart 8 gameplay directly to Youtube) No one is talking about that. Nintendo announced that for the first time they will be hosting a Super smash bros. tournament at E3 this year! And they will also be allowing fans to play the new smash bros. at Best buy during E3! They are listening to the community more than ever and this is their way of saying it!
It is a shame that most people wont read this(even though I know it is too long and not that good) and it is a shame that people in the mainstream like to belittle the console so much. It is a shame that A absolutely wonderful system with outstandingly amazing games will be shut out by the millions of people that didn't care about Nintendo in the first place. The people that hate on something because it is the cool thing to do are despicable. There is little hope for the Wii U. but that doesn't matter to me. Because I don't care what people say, If the console has amazing games and I find it fun and worth my time and money then what are they going to do? Persuade millions of people to hate the thing for no good reason until Nintendo gives in and abandons their loyal fan-base in order to target the mainstream audience again? Probably. -Examples of the subtle hate that the Wii U is getting.
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