@outworld222 said:
It’s all about the employees.
Not sure if steam-forum-moderators are really employees or just the same kind of real bad "moderator-memes" who are playing "king-of-the-castle" in most forums these days.
@girlusocrazy said:
Under crappier people Steam could have been much worse and much more constrictive.
Uhm there actually are crappier and worse people "working" for Steam but probably not really being paid coz their "payment" is that what every forum moderator in forums is getting. "Virtual Power", rather than money.
And so of course there are certain self-righteous dorks there:
I was making this "funny thread" about more than a year ago. Then there came this funny moderator who claimed my thread having "troll-qualities".
So what was his next move? He banned me for a week, but left my thread open, for all others to post in it.
Well, since my thread obviously ain´t having "troll qualities" after all i guess, i just got back to it after my ban and continued right where i stopped...with making "fun".
Now the same mod came back and banned me again, with the ban taking 2 or 3 weeks now and guess what? LOL, the "troll thread" still wasn´t closed.
Well, i kept doing what i did, and he kept banning me every single time, so i got banned several times in a row, with every ban taking up more time.
Guess how long my latest ban is (still!) taking? 1 Year! LMAO. I remember the ban getting lifted somewhere this July.
This was the last thing on Steam, giving me the idea that at least the Steam-Forums for sure, are no place to be taken any serious, so they can ban me as much as they want, the community is more or less DEAD to me anyway.
@RSM-HQ said:
Which is a shame that Epic get so much negativity, many Valve fans really hate Fortnite, usually because it's an addiction for idiots.
I wonder if todays Valve Fans were to some part actually the same haters who hated Steam 25 years ago, when Steam/Valve was being hated for offering digital content.
I still remember as if it had been just yesteray, Steam was being THE target for all those old-school-gamers and collectors, or people who hated the thought of games being distributed digitally only.
Nonetheless, those Steam-Haters back the days were exactly as hateful and bad as the typical haters of these days and if i remember right, the term "hater" didn´t even existed yet, back the days.
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