Rockstar can shed some light on what is going on with Max Payne 3. Although i'm REALLY looking forward to LA Noire, i don't mind the delay as long as they get it right.
I thought Rockstar was supposed to hold their own press event after pulling their games from E3, but we havent heard anything since then. I figured Take 2 was waiting for Mafia 2 to release, maybe thats the case. I'm hoping to hear more of LA Noire, Max Payne 3, and Agent for the PS3.
hopefully we hear something about la noire soon. frankly, i dont know how somebody couldnt be interested in it. on one hand, its way overbudget, delayed years, shifted publishers, had its management called into question, and it even has a misspelled title (which they refuse to change for who knows why). on the other hand, its gotten some very high praise in the only preview ive seen and the gameplay mechanics theyve shown off look very promising even beyond the scrutiny of pundits. EDIT: apocalypse now or heaven's gate, this should be interesting.
I'd rather some news on Agent or GTA V tbh. I have nothing against Max Payne, just never played them. I agree though regarding the whole "how can we get excited about this" thing. It's a bit beyond ridiculous now...not as bad as Duke Nukem Forever maybe, but still bad.
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